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  1. bobbo

    bought a fuge yesterday,have lighting question

    general consensus is to leave that light on 24/7.
  2. bobbo

    I.D Please, Thank you

    Looks like a healthy Pagoda Cup to me. Tentacles are extended beyond what I have normally seen. Just MO.
  3. bobbo

    Price Question

    I think you're right Funkyman. I wouldn't trust that I was getting RO from a grocery store. You can buy some gallon jugs that say distilled and they will list RO as the type. My LFS charges .50 per gallon. That's why I took the plunge and got my own RO/DI unit. It'll pay for itself in the long...
  4. bobbo

    Large Tanks

    Why do we always want to break the rules and go against our better judgement and keep adding more and more to our displays until nothing is healthy? Remember 1" of fish for every 5 gallons, and that rule can be broken depending on how good your filtration is, water parameters, water changes...
  5. bobbo

    Peppermint Vs Cleaner Shrimp!??!

    I bought some peppermints from them too not knowing what to expect. I must say they were pretty small. Not sure how many I have left from the original 5. Have seen 2 or 3 when the lights go out. Haven't experienced my cleaner shrimp bothering them. I am hoping the peppermints will take care of...
  6. bobbo

    Wavemaker question

    IMO, the more current you can get the better depending on how you place it. Want enough to get rid of "dead" spots. I'm using two maxi-jet 1200's in my 125 with decent results. Looking at increasing my overall circulation with a bigger sump pump.
  7. bobbo

    How slow do I add Live Rock to an existing setup

    I meant ammonia.
  8. bobbo

    How slow do I add Live Rock to an existing setup

    Adding too much uncured rock too quickly can spike your annonia levels. You know what can happen then. I would only add cured rock or uncured at maybe less than 10% of your tank volume, IMO.
  9. bobbo

    Mandarin owners poll

    I have the hippie kind also, and a lawnmower blenny with lots of personality. Met someone the other day that has a mated pair of greens. 72 gal tank with soft corals and only the mated pair. They have produced offspring that he sells to a LFS. I was impressed.
  10. bobbo

    Coral Beauty+Flame Angel in same tank Possible?

    I currently have a flame and a coral beauty sharing space in a 125. I wouldn't recommend doing that in smaller tanks. Need to provide a lot of rockwork. The coral beauty was in the tank first and did not like the addition of the flame. Flame spent better part of two days being chased befor coral...