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  1. luke

    Help, Extreme algae problem or cyno bact?

    Raise your pH to 8.4 it will be gone with in a week or so. Monitor kH and calcium while you do this so they don't get out of whack. This is a sure fire way to deal with cyano bacteria. Avoid the red slime removers (although they work) for the reasons wamp suggest to be careful. Luke
  2. luke

    mature tank?

    A tank is mature when there is good coraline growth and stable readings. This may happen a week after it finishes cycleing. But how is one to know the readings are stable with out waiting at least a few months? Luke
  3. luke

    Aiptasias and treatment poll

    The epoxy is the way to go if you only have a few. Cover the hole. Let it sit for a week. Pop off the "eye sore" (remove piece of epoxy). Problem solved. Luke
  4. luke

    To much light? Is it possible?

    I don't really think many people have the budget to have TOO much light. Acclimation becomes important with high light. But it is less important than people think. I worked at a fish store where the corals came out of the shipping boxes and went straigth to 400w pendant MHs with 8" deep...
  5. luke

    Why is carbon bad for a tank?

    Carbon can be considered bad on two levels: 1. The stripping argument presented here. This, as others have said, is debatable. Using a supplement or WC will solve the problem. Protien skimmers also stripp trace elements. People don't seem to be nearly as worried about them. 2. Bad...
  6. luke

    pubic hair algea

    The algea as you described so eloquently :) is Bryopsis. Most things WON'T eat it (you figured that out though). There is a Nudibranch that eats it... but when it [algae] is gone so is the Nudibranch. The best option is to hravest it by hand and hope the hermits will fix the rest. At the...
  7. luke

    is this really true!?!?!

    Yes technacally it is true. But if you have creatures slowly turning the sand over this will not become a problem. I would venture to say that there are hydrogen sulfide pockets underneath the ocean floor. The Ocean is so imense that it does not matter though. Luke
  8. luke

    alkalinity problem

    If you have massive growth, as you say you do, then why mess with a good thing??? Your CA is fine, your pH is good, your alk is low... but not so low to be too alarmed. Just keep an eye on it. Luke
  9. luke

    baking soda

    Is anyone monitering CA as they mess with their Alkalinity with cheap non-reagent grade sodium bicarbonate?? A can of buffer costs at most 15 bucks and should last a year or more for a 50 gallon tank. That seems pretty cheap to me!! Luke
  10. luke

    Emergency!!! Lot's of pain!!!

    Did anyone read fshhub's link??? "Contradictory studies exist on the effectiveness of meat tenderizer, baking soda, papaya, or commercial sprays (containing aluminum sulfate and detergents) on nematocyst stings. These substances may cause further damage. Some kinds of meat tenderizer, for...
  11. luke

    setting up lr

    If you are curing it in the tank it is going to be in... there is no reason not to. Luke
  12. luke

    How do I get rid of Caulerpa?

    The easiest way would be to just go in and tear it out. I would say get a tang, but you already have one :) Luke
  13. luke

    Aptasia , can they hurt anything?

    If there are truly only a few, then just buy some underwater epoxy and plug their holes. This is the best method I have found for small numbers. Peppermint shrimp get hungry after they finish your two or three aptasia. These things will spread like wild fire so deal with them now! Luke
  14. luke

    Overflow Tube Has Air!

    Some people have hooked up a power head inside the tank for circulation, and used a venturi fitting that connects to the top of the siphon (you have to drill a hole and glue this tube in). That way when air gets in it imediatly gets blown into the tank. This is better than having the pump run...
  15. luke

    Some Reef Questions

    The Coral Beauty may bother the clams and sponges. If you have the clams already, then it would probably be a bad idea. If not then just don't put them in (if you want the angel). For the PH you can diffuse it by shooting it onto the side of a rock. Or, it is possible to restrict the flow...
  16. luke

    Carbon in a reef tank?

    If you don't have a skimmer, then certainly. If you do it can't hurt. Assuming that you maintain trace elements. Luke
  17. luke

    Can a dersea(sp?) clam live in my 10 gallon nano reef?

    36WATTS IS NOT ENOUGH LIGHT!!!!!! Derasa clams don't need to have a rock attached to the bysus (foot) they rarely attach. Maximas and croceas, this is far more important. But, in a healthy envirnment, even if the foot is torn off they can regrow the bysus. Luke
  18. luke

    How do you cut frags off an anemone to reproduce?

    ronald_mauldin@hotmail - In theory, as Sammy demonstrates, anemones CAN be fragged. BUT (there is always a but :) ) This does not mean it will work, or work well. The reason SOME corals can be easily fragged is they have many mouths. Essentailly individuals living together. If you cut a...
  19. luke

    RIO Powerheads watchout

    RIOs are not great pumps. I had a 2500 crap out on me. It overheated... which causes the inside bore of the impeller shaft to expand as the oil inside the sealed chamber heats. Then the impeller jams. Then the moter really starts to heat. If you don't catch this, I did not, the sealed...
  20. luke

    Anemones and lighting

    What kind of anemone? How healthy do you want hom to be? :) I personally think you are pushing it without MH lights for anemones... besdies, maybe, bubble tips and Long tentacles. HTH Luke