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  1. osb

    Change out Live Sand

    I read somewhere here (of course i cant find it now) that you should chjnage out part of your live sand occasionally because it traps waste. I was under the impression that the reason for going with live sand was the organisims in it that break down waste as opposed to cc which traps it. Any...
  2. osb

    Power wash live rock

    i may be wrong, but phospahtes are probably reading low or zero because the algea is consuming it constantly, keeping the reading low or at zero, but the algea very happy.
  3. osb

    frags in northern new jersey

    if you still have things to trade, I dont have any corals to trade, but I'm interested in trading you money for them :thinking: my email is, I'm in Morris County
  4. osb

    Coral ID PLEASE

    Originally Posted by Speg Ever heard of clove polyps? Speg, i think you got it. Any info on them?
  5. osb

    Coral ID PLEASE

    Originally Posted by Speg Ever heard of clove polyps? no..... googleing it now
  6. osb

    Coral ID PLEASE

    is this any better
  7. osb

    Coral ID PLEASE

    kinda.... i wish i could get a better picture up...let me try
  8. osb

    Coral ID PLEASE

    Thanks! You too!
  9. osb

    Coral ID PLEASE

    yeah the water would most likely boil!! its a 90, so a little more than 3 wpg. I dont really have room for MH in my canopy, and the tank is custom and 46", which makes life even more difficult when it comes to lighting
  10. osb

    Coral ID PLEASE

    Thanks! Yeah, 300 Total
  11. osb

    Coral ID PLEASE

    Thanks! i have him mid tank with medium flow. the few that are on the rock seem happy, and on spread to the rock the frag is sitting on. I have about 300 wpg VHO. Any special care for this i need to know about. LFS said it is very low maintenece, and a good starter. I also have a toadstool...
  12. osb

    Coral ID PLEASE

    lets try this picture again!!!
  13. osb

    Coral ID PLEASE

    can anyone tell me what kind of coral this is. My LFS said it was some kind of xenia, but this doesnt pulse. :notsure:
  14. osb

    Bio Balls replaced by LR?

    i may be worng, but if you have 90 lbs in a 75 in the display, you dont need to add any to the sump. just let the water trickle through a filter pad. the lr in the display should be more than enough, depending on you bio load
  15. osb

    Condi Question

    I recently got a condi anenome. He has bee staying behind the rocks until today. This morning he had moved to the bottom of the tank under some rock work. I know they move around, but is it normal for them to move away from light. I only have about 300w of VHO in a 100g. Water params are...
  16. osb

    First Corals Ever!!!!

    Mimzy, just saw your from NJ, what part of the state, im in Morris County. What LFS do you use?
  17. osb

    How your protien skimmer can effect social life

    bright lights..... they may think you have a growing operation...
  18. osb

    Whered it go?

    clean the hydrometer real well. What kind is it? The Corallife Deep Six seems to be the most accurate from what I've been told.
  19. osb

    straaaange condi

    just saw that at my lfs yesterday, i was thinking the same thing
  20. osb

    cant seem to fuiger this one out!!?

    my yellow lightens up in the dark, not actually white, but he get pale until the lights come on too