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  1. osb

    my 150 gal pic let me know what you think

    wow! Thanks
  2. osb

    my 150 gal pic let me know what you think

    very nice!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm new to this, can you list what some of those corals are
  3. osb

    Percula Clown

    Is a percula clown OK by himself, or do they need to be in groups. I also have 3 green Chromis. Tank is 100g
  4. osb

    Saly Creep

    Originally Posted by shoimen As I've said before, if theres no puddles, theres no worries. Thats what I wanted to hear! Thanks
  5. osb

    Saly Creep

    It certainly does! I’m waiting for it to start showing up in my car
  6. osb

    Saly Creep

    Being new to this, I'm wondering how salt creep ends up where it does. I have it all around my wet/dry and sump, top of my in sump protein skimmer, etc. If there is no water in these spots (and there isnt b/c i was affraid someting was leaking somewhere), who does the salt end up in these...
  7. osb

    what eats brown algae?

    Originally Posted by xjayx My tank is finally done cycling. i've got a damsil and a hermit and a snail in there but I think I've been over feeding them cause now there's brown algee starting to grow on the substrait. Any suggestions on what to buy to either clean up the food off of the floor or...
  8. osb

    Lights for a 44" Tank

    thanks reef............ how about the bulbs, I'm OK with my selection?
  9. osb

    Lights for a 44" Tank

    Ok, so I ordered the Icecap retro kit and got 2 Aquasun bulbs and 1 Actinic Blue. My new question in do I need a reflector to go behind the bulbs. It says the bulbs have a 180 degree built in reflector.
  10. osb

    Lights for a 44" Tank

    i thought if i put the VHO's in, i can always add the MH's later, keeping the VHO's. (am I correct?) I think I am going to try to stagger the bulbs, if the kit will let me. It's a 3 lamp icecap that throws 285 watts. Now on to my second question............ Which bulbs or what combo of...
  11. osb

    Lights for a 44" Tank

    Not really sure yet. I figure if I'm using a retro kit for the VHO lights, i can always add MH later. Just not sure what to do about the lenght.
  12. osb

    Lights for a 44" Tank

    Can I use a 36" 3 bulb retro for a 44" long tank, or will the extra few inches on either side pose a problem. If this is OK, which bulbs should I use, I can choose between AquaSun, Actinic White and Actinic Blue. I plan on getting LED's for moonlights. I only plan on keeping some evry basic...
  13. osb

    Green chromis problem

    As far as I have heard, green chromis are very hardy. I think someone earlier in this thread called them "bullet proof". I have never heard of them being fragile, but then again I am new to this.
  14. osb

    HELP!!!!!!! Debate Tonga or FIji Live Rock

    I have both in my tank, mhey go well together. The Tonga looks more like old coral, while the Fiji is more rock-like........... if that makes any sense. The Fiji may cost more because it is pre-cured. The Tong I got was not.
  15. osb

    Cycle Question

    I'm heading to my LFS to get food to feed my tank, and realized I have no idea what to get. I obiviously want to get something I can use when I actually get fish. Any suggestions?
  16. osb

    Cycle Question

    Thanks, Thats what i'll do. So in your opinion, this is normal, and everything is progressing as it should?
  17. osb

    Cycle Question

    Originally posted by Bang Guy The rock & live sand is taking care of the Ammonia. I'd suggest feeding the tank a little bit of food to feed the bacteria and let the tank mature for a bit. I was expecting the ammonia spike to last a bit longer from die off on the live rock. Feed the tank or...
  18. osb

    Cycle Question

    Ok, 100G w/wet/dry from previous established freshwater system. set up a week ago, 40# live sand added last Sunday. 75# LR added on Thursday. 45# pre-cured fiji, 30# uncured tonga Ph - Aprox 8 Ammonia - between .25 & .5 Nitrite - 10 or higher ( bright red, kind off the color chart) Nitrate -...
  19. osb

    Acquascaping - 1st Try

    I'm going to make a couple of minor changes, move a piece or two from the sides, and stack the a bit higher. The tank is DEEP, 32" to be exact, and I'm affraid to go too high. No stink yet, i scrubbed off most of the squishy black stuff. One rock oozed some yellow/orange goo. Pretty gross
  20. osb

    Acquascaping - 1st Try

    Never thought of having to clean the glass. Is this going to be a major problem for me? Also, how long until this starts to smell...........just so i'm prepared :nervous: