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  1. topheraz

    Niger Trigger

    He could just be stressed or scared, like the new kid in school. Maybe he just hasnt warmed up to the tank yet. As for getting along with the others, he might be ok since he is the nicest of all the triggers. Then again, he might not get along since he probably is much bigger than the others...
  2. topheraz

    Cycle Question

    I have a 12 gallon with 15 #s of LR and 5 #s LS then the rest just normal sand. I have the filter that comes with the Eclipse Kit and i added a powerheader, so i have great circulation. My tank has only been up, running with water for just over a week. Is it possible for my tank to be done...
  3. topheraz

    need help

    About the "live" rocks/sand... People always tend to think that LR or LS is "alive" and special in some way. Really its just covered in bacteria. Your base rock or normal sand can be just as alive as your LR/LS. Eventually it will all spread and all be the same. In my opinion, i would buy some...
  4. topheraz


    Yes on what they said. All rock eventually becomes the same. But please dont post the same thing 3 times :nope:
  5. topheraz

    HUGE Screw up!

    I think i just potentially made a huge screw up. My tank has been set up for almost a week. I got my water tested and my ammonia was just below .1. I was told that if i wanted to do a water change and then i would be ready to put something in in a couple of days. So im making my water and was...
  6. topheraz

    My new 90 Gallon Tank with pictures and updates and questions!

    Your clean up crew should get it for sure.:jumping:
  7. topheraz

    My first Lineup

    Eventually i plan on having some coral. What do you mean by knock things over?? Like LR?? Are crabs a must have?? If so what kind?
  8. topheraz

    Real Dumb ?, But im new so hey

    oh ok thanks
  9. topheraz

    Real Dumb ?, But im new so hey

    What is a nano tank? And what is a inverted tank?
  10. topheraz

    My first Lineup

    Would 1 Fire Shrimp, 1 Cleaner Shrimp, and 1 Mexican Turbo Snail be suitable for a 12 gallon with 15#s of LR? People have said i need some crabs, but im not really liking any of the crabs. People have also said use the Astrea (spelling?) snails but i rather have 1 snail than 5 or so. I dont want...
  11. topheraz

    should I add snails

    Well if your only problem is algae on the glass then i would get some snails. Thats what they do, clean the glass:jumping:
  12. topheraz

    ???'s about Buying first fish/snails/crabs

    I have had the tank setup for about a week now. Sprinkled some food in it(heard it works like Raw Shrimp). I have 12#s in LR. I also added a powerheader. Im told my tank is doing great. Looks cool without even any fish yet:D. i was thinking of getting a Cleaner Shrimp and a Mexican Turbo Snail...
  13. topheraz

    ???'s about Buying first fish/snails/crabs

    Wow, thats sounds like a lot going on in a little 12 gallon. Thats cool, so now i know i can still have quite a bit of stuff in mine. Do you know anything about the Cleaner Shrimp? Or anything about the Mexican Turbo Snails? I much rather have just 1 of them then 4-6 of the others.
  14. topheraz

    ???'s about Buying first fish/snails/crabs

    1 other thing... are Cleaner Shrimp something i should get. The name seems to say it all. And if so will 1 be sufficent?
  15. topheraz

    ???'s about Buying first fish/snails/crabs

    i have heard alot about these Mexican Turbo Snails. I see that 1 is good for 20 gallons. Could i just get 1 of those rather than 3-4 of the others??? And also should i get some crabs and snails first then get fish, or is it ok to get sveral things at once??
  16. topheraz

    ???'s about Buying first fish/snails/crabs

    I am new to aquariums and have no clue what to get.What should be the first fish or snails or whatever that i buy for a 12g SW tank?? Do i need snails/crabs at all? How many things should i start off with?? The tank i have is the 12g Eclipse Kit. I have added a powerhead so i have great...
  17. topheraz

    First Fish to get???

    Its only a 20g, been set up for 5 days now. By reading i see that i wont be getting fish for some time. Just wondering if that sounds good. I'm trying to gain as much knowledge as quickly as possible!:thinking: When is a good time to get fish?? LFS have been saying as little as a week but i am...
  18. topheraz

    First Fish to get???

    Was wondering which fish would be good to get as my first fish. By talking to LFS ive come up with this to start... 1 Coral Beauty Angel, 1 Percula Clown, and 1 Green Chromis.:notsure: Please let me know if that sounds good or if im just a moron :)
  19. topheraz

    New and Curious

    I have had my tank up and running for 4 days now. I have some LR and was wondering if the stuff growing on it is good or bad. There is multiple colors of rock with green "fuzz" growing. my salt level is pefect and i have added a small amount of food. Heard that food works like a raw shrimp. What...