Search results

  1. hondotech

    Moving 55 gallon tank - HELP

    So we are moving our retail store down the street to our new building we just purchased. Our 55 gallon tank needs to move as well, and I am pretty sure I am in for one heck of a mess. Any pointers, advice, etc. would be most helpful. I am planning on draining the tank to the point where the...
  2. hondotech

    Need to move 55 gal tank - NEED HELP

    So we are moving our retail store down the street to our new building we just purchased. Our 55 gallon tank needs to move as well, and I am pretty sure I am in for one heck of a mess. Any pointers, advice, etc. would be most helpful. I am planning on draining the tank to the point where the...
  3. hondotech

    Making your own LR ?!?

    Anyone ever try? I have an extra 10 gal tank sitting around gathering dust and I am a very patient person. Get some live sand toss in some rock and water change it every month for 6 months?!? I'm guessing here.
  4. hondotech

    Ive got worms!!

    I remember reading some time ago about a fellow who pulled a worm out of his tank that was over 6ft long. It was living in the piping and coming out at night to feed. I thought I remember it being a bad thing, hence my post here.
  5. hondotech

    Ive got worms!!

    I googled the peanut worm and the pictures of it arent anything like what is in my tank. I would describe it more like a piece of spaghetti once it has been cooked (same general shape, diameter, and color). :help:
  6. hondotech

    Ive got worms!!

    Actually I have a worm hiding in some of my LR. Whitish in color, about 3/4 of a plastic drinking straw in diameter, 2-3 inches has been visible at any one time. How do I get the worm out of the rock short of boiling it and killing all the good growth that is on it? Whenever I think I have a...
  7. hondotech

    Vitamins and garlic soaked food?!?!

    LFS sell both liquid vits and liquid garlic?
  8. hondotech

    Vitamins and garlic soaked food?!?!

    Someone please explain.
  9. hondotech

    Ich and stress

    How does one use garlic to to help prevent ich? What about the copper that was mentioned?
  10. hondotech

    Refugium Qs

    How does one setup a refugium? Ive seen it mentioned here on the site but Im not real sure what one even is. Same thing would go for a sump as well.
  11. hondotech

    beginner reef tank Qs

    Can someone explain what everything in that diagram is? And why its even there would be helpful as well.
  12. hondotech

    looking for good LFS in San Antonio, TX

    Subject says it all. The one Im using now I'm not real happy with.
  13. hondotech

    How many is to many?

    Was told most of the clownfish are too aggressive and would stress and possibly kill the other fish (LFS again).
  14. hondotech

    Live rock Qs

    Bulk price was around $2.50 per pound. LFS price is somewhere around $5-6 a pound if I remember correctly. Im thinking I need to find a new LFS. Getting so much conflicting information from them and this forum//website.
  15. hondotech

    beginner reef tank Qs

    I can just start dropping in coral, etc once the basics are met?
  16. hondotech

    How many is to many?

    Well I currently have: Goatfish (who is going back to LFS. he ate my fire shrimp) Yellow Tang Emperor Angel - Juvenile (LFS said would be fine in 55 gal. says 100gal) On a sidenote: my LFS is really off the mark on most of its information (at least in the sense that conflicts...
  17. hondotech

    Live rock Qs

    Was looking at buying it in bulk (i.e. one big 50 lb box), not real sure how I could add it in one piece at a time unless it will keep in the box (materials) it was shipped in.
  18. hondotech

    Plumbing Question on DIY Counter Current Skimmer

    How about a link to the site?
  19. hondotech

    Live rock Qs

    Currently have a 55 gal tank with maybe 10 lbs of live rock and 40 lbs of live sand with 3 fish and 4 inverts. Looking to add 48-50 more pounds of cured live rock. Am I going to crash my system trying this? Any pointers or thoughts?
  20. hondotech

    beginner reef tank Qs

    How does one start a reef tank system? I know its a pretty open ended question but Im not sure how to ask it any other way:)