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  1. sudn rsh

    My Screw Up!!! ???????

    you migh be able to get the eggcrate in with out removing the sand just push it down in to the sand and move it aorund till it makes its way too the bottom that may work? and you could just move your rock to one side of the tank and do the egg crate in sections and keep most of the water in the...
  2. sudn rsh

    anyone from nebraska

    I am in Scottsbluff Nebraska
  3. sudn rsh

    Latest shots of my tank

    What kind of blenny is that?
  4. sudn rsh

    neon goby??anyone have one?

    i got 3 of them they are really neat fish very active evertime i stick my hand in the water they try and clean it all i see is a little thing zoom up to my hand and feel something bump me and it scares me almost everytime
  5. sudn rsh

    NE: fs Purple Urchin

    Hey, I know I am new here and haven't posted much i been just learning a lot from people on here. so i hope no one thinks i am trying to scam anyone. I am wanting to sell or trade a Purple Urchin that i bought from this website i have had him for about 3 months and hes doing great hes moving all...
  6. sudn rsh

    Help brown stuff all over my tank!

    I am just a newbie on here but it sounds like your right it is diatom and from what i have learned on here that is way too long for the light seems most people say it sould be like 8-10 hrs or less and you should check your phosphate. i had diatom and i bought some phosban and it cleaered up...
  7. sudn rsh

    odyssea MH any good?

    Originally Posted by Zeromus-X "What exactly did you find wrong with the Odyssea PC setup that makes it "terrible"? My thoughts exactly I got the odyssea pc and the only thing wrong with them that i see is that there is only one power plug and the cooling fans are noisy. They work great for me...
  8. sudn rsh

    anyone have cars over 200,000$

    I drive a subaru too but that just $175,000 short of $200,000
  9. sudn rsh

    Any Colorado Dwellers

    I am sorta i live in nebraska but we also own a home in fortcollins i am not in fort collins very often my self tho
  10. sudn rsh

    My 300Gal In Wall

    Thats a Sweet car is it the twin turbo version? I know this is a fish forum but what other mods do you have done to it? I got an 02 wrx with upgrade turbo and suporting mods with a 6speed swap. Originally Posted by sw65galma Thanks!! Lol there was another huge project I did at the same time as...
  11. sudn rsh

    Help Painting the back of my tank.

    thats pry because paint won't stick to glass very well glass is too smooth