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  1. rubytoo

    Post Corals bought from this site

    Originally Posted by Jesses89 rubytoo.. how long have u had that gorgonian? is it hard at all to keep? and feed? and can you let it touch other corals? is it aggressive? heard they need low light or something I've only had it for a little over 2 months. I believe all of the above is true. I...
  2. rubytoo

    Post Corals bought from this site

    Sorry about the first post. I meant I bought them FROM over the last couple of years . Very happy with my purchases . One more for your viewing pleasure:
  3. rubytoo

    Post Corals bought from this site

    and 2 more:
  4. rubytoo

    Post Corals bought from this site

    and some more, sorry if there are duplicates:
  5. rubytoo

    Post Corals bought from this site

    I've bought several corals for over the last 2 years. Here are some, some have spread considerably....
  6. rubytoo

    Wallpaper pictures

    Very simple, highcotton1: Kodak Software photo editing program Just find your picture you want to work with, click cartoonize and vwa la! There's your picture! :) Thanks guys! This is all fun.... Looks like you have a lot of nice pic's to choose for your background, MeleeRock... and...
  7. rubytoo

    Wallpaper pictures

    one more I cartoonized with Kodak software: My Royal Gramma in my bed of xenia's:
  8. rubytoo

    Wallpaper pictures

    great pics! Here's one I just took:
  9. rubytoo

    Pom Pom crab I've had him almost a year i think He's really cool , waving his poms to catch food hope this works :jumping: first time setting up a link so here we go! :cheer:
  10. rubytoo

    Here is my baby

    Gorgeous! Great job!
  11. rubytoo

    Lets see-full Tank Shot

    that is one big tank! Very nice! I love looking at all of these tanks from every one ... they are all so nice I have about 50 lbs of live rock at least in the 75. 40 lbs of crushed coral, ( I know... but the engineer goby loves to burrow.) 10- 20 lbs of live rock in the 10 gals crushed coral...
  12. rubytoo

    Few Photos

    Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing
  13. rubytoo

    Lets see-full Tank Shot

    Here's mine: 75 gal, 2 yr 2months.Originally to be a reef, hubby filled it with fish... Next : 10 gal 1 year 2 month, because the 75 pretty much became fish, live rock and a few softies. Not an acceptable reef tank Next 10 gal 4 months, because the 1st 10 gallon exploded in xenia and zoo's. I...
  14. rubytoo

    Peek a Boo I see you!! Game

    my green clown goby likes to rest in my leather finger
  15. rubytoo


    Mine seems to stay around 80 -81 degrees I keep a fan blowing across the top all day (came with the lights, i can plug it in seperately) Hard to keep it down much more in the summer it seems Everything is doing well so far. This is the first summer with the nano. I have had it going since...
  16. rubytoo

    picture re-sizeing

    I have ulead photo express. I resize them in that photo editing program. A lot of people use Paint in Windows. I never have but here is info on how to do it in paint: To change the size of your picture, On the Image menu, click Attributes. Under Units, click the unit of measurement you want to...
  17. rubytoo

    Boxing Crabs

    I have a clown goby and a pajama cardinal in the tank , also. so every few days I feed them mysis shrimp, brine shrimp and cyclopleze.... Occassionally I feed them some flake food and little pieces of crab meat,etc when I feed the bigger fish in the 55 gallon tank, so I have to assume the...
  18. rubytoo

    Boxing Crabs

    I put my boxer crab in my 10 gal nano tank, so I would think a 20 gallon would be suitable. They stay quite small. I'm not sure how long I've had him 3 months now. He does stay hidden alot. he molted once at least, I found his whole exo-skeleton.... thought it was him dead! But spotted him...
  19. rubytoo

    Zoapolooza! Lets see those Zoos!

    and a few more:
  20. rubytoo

    Zoapolooza! Lets see those Zoos!

    Here are some from my nano tank. Can't keep them in my 55.... neon velvet damsel rips them apart! Hope you like :