Search results

  1. king bubba

    good and bad snails

    I bought some of these snails from this gent and I can tell you that he is a pleasure to deal with. These snails have proven to be very hardy. The first day or two I removed a few dead but after that they have done well. Their order of business seems to be uneaten food, dead animals, fish waste/...
  2. king bubba

    Help me pick a protein skimmer please!

    I have an ASM g-3 in a 180 with a 55 sump. I like it.
  3. king bubba

    How to catch quick fish

    Option 1. Appropriately sized [hr] gun. Option 2. Appropriately sized [hr] gun with laser sight. (Should scare him to death!) Option 3. Low yield nuclear detonation. (Added benefit--automatically rearranges rock!) Option 4. Remove as much water as you can and hunt him down like a common...
  4. king bubba

    bio wheel intake? question

    IMO close to the bottom.
  5. king bubba

    Building a DURSO with slipxslip bulkhead

    Cool. Be waiting to see 'em.
  6. king bubba


    Probably a smaller Naso, maybe a PBlue same size or smaller. Hippos are normally pretty peaceful but it can help to rearrange the tank a bit at intro time. IME Hippo will be subordinate to other tangs every time. They aren't much of a scrapper. All this is IME/IMO. Good luck.
  7. king bubba

    hardier of the three

    IME No doubt, the coral beauty.
  8. king bubba

    Building a DURSO with slipxslip bulkhead

    MikeGray. first part. The whole purpose of the "coupling" or hole cover is to provide a sound shield to the hole drainage activity. Placing it just above the top of your holes is perfect. second part. If you have a loose fit in your bulkead make sure there is no burr or bad spot holding your...
  9. king bubba

    RO Units

    IMO, don't forget that hindsight thing. All you need is one batch of bad store bought water to wipe out some animals and the question changes from "should I have a unit?" to "which unit should I have?"
  10. king bubba

    Protein Skimmer for 150 FOwLR

    ASM G-3 and oddly enough, it comes with a pump, it's plug and play, it's quiet and is reasonably priced. Oh yea. It skims like crazy too!
  11. king bubba

    Online Tank Retailers

    I live two hours from Tom and my little truck came in real handy for hauling the 180 I bought from him. Great guy with a great product. GlassCages is a fun place to visit. There's something really cool about his place and all that goes on. It's just a spit and a quik whiz from Nashville. Great...
  12. king bubba

    Building a DURSO with slipxslip bulkhead

    MikeGray Looks good. Better than store bought and a whole lot cheaper. You may need some fine tuning but there's plenty of help with that sort of thing as well. You don't have to tolerate noise or cycling/gurgling. Nice job.
  13. king bubba

    Tank stand...with CASTORS?

    Needs to be level, support the entire tank and hold a minimum of 150 lbs. IME/IMO
  14. king bubba

    Building a DURSO with slipxslip bulkhead

    Not sure what you are referring to when you ask about the "coupling". In a std Durso, it is always best to have the Durso a slightly larger diameter than the bulkhead it is to feed thru IME. In a vertical (Stockman) my experience is that either the same size or slightly larger will work but the...
  15. king bubba

    Building a DURSO with slipxslip bulkhead

    Thanks Squidd. You posted a simple picture of the vertical Durso I was referring to. Forgot it was developed by Ken Stockman. Any how, reefcenral has a DIY section and under durso you will find Stockman. These parts are also commonly available thru most HD's and involve nothing more than a pair...
  16. king bubba

    filtration setup for me

    If I remember correctly, the Penguin 330 is a bio-wheel power filter with built in mechanical filtration. Strictly speaking, it is a wet/dry because of the wheels. It also has the ability to handle various chemical media. Lots of variables here as to why you are not happy with the results you...
  17. king bubba

    Nashville Area Addicted Saltwater Fish Lovers Unite!!

    Hey Ohiorn67, Dickson is the place. Real nice guy named Tom. Make sure you have something to write with for directions as his operation is a couple of miles beyond the accepted definition of "boonies". He builds up to 820 gal glass tanks. They are heavy duty and can be drilled or customed any...
  18. king bubba

    Building a DURSO with slipxslip bulkhead

    First of all, that particular HD isn't carrying a full line of PVC fittings or they would have the one you are looking for. I would also go to the Durso website and look at the vertical version. A couple of years ago I used two verticals because of less space than you have and they worked very...
  19. king bubba

    pic of my new fish.. great colors :)

    Lunare's can be sweethearts or a good reason to buy a mini [hr] gun. Pretty fish, either way.
  20. king bubba

    Live Rock Lights

    I might have gotten you on that one. I build everything! Then again, I might have gotten myself. It's happened before. Thanks guys.