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  1. salter125

    which tang needs more space ?

    I have had 2 Tangs (Hippo and Purple) in my 125 for about 5 years now.Give them somewhere 2 hide and you will be fine..
  2. salter125

    survival rate of juvinile purple tang?

    Ive had my purple tang 4 about a year now in my reef and its doubled in size being about 3" now.Yes they do get ich just like all tangs but ive found out that once established in the tank they are a hardy fish.Mine eats anything you put in the tank....
  3. salter125

    how fast do blue hippo tangs grow?

    I bought one 4 months ago about a 1/2 inch long and now is 3 inch long. Hope this give you an idea how fast they grow...
  4. salter125

    sunday photoshoot, 75G reef

    Love the tank and the goby in last pic
  5. salter125

    fire fish

    I think they only need a 20gal. tank and as far as jumping I lost one to jumping. Close lid is a must
  6. salter125

    What is the best way to get rid of Green Hair Line Algae?

    Turbo snails,emerald crabs,hermit crabs all work for me