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  1. isaac

    Big Attack!!!

    how does it work with the bottle?
  2. isaac

    big attack!!!

    I have sps growing all over the tank, and its all attached, can not take the rocks out!!!
  3. isaac

    Big Attack!!!

    Hi there. I NEED HELP, I have Purple Pseudochromis , and I HAVE TO TAKE HIM OUT OF MY TANK. He is attacking my new mystery wrasse. any idea how to ?
  4. isaac

    big attack!!!

    Hi there. I NEED HELP, I have Purple Pseudochromis , and I HAVE TO TAKE HIM OUT OF MY TANK. He is attacking my new mystery wrasse. any idea how to ?
  5. isaac

    are shrimpgobies sand sifters?

    tell me about ur tank, ?gall, lr etc
  6. isaac

    are shrimpgobies sand sifters?

    try olso : The Orangespotted Diamond Goby is quite a hard worker, and will keep the sand well sifted and clean. It takes large mouthfuls of sand and sifts through it eating small invertebrates and expelling the cleaned sand out of its gills. This goby likes to work together in pairs. One alone...
  7. isaac

    Calcium and Alk readings

    Your reding shold be alk 9 to 12dkh and to rais it up just use a ph buffer it will take care of the Alk
  8. isaac

    are shrimpgobies sand sifters?

    TRY THIS Nassarius snails are very useful in aquariums because eat detritus, or waste, and keep the sandbed stirred. They do not eat much in the way of algae, but are an important part of any reef aquarium. They will also eat any excess food that the fish do not eat. Maintaining proper calcium...
  9. isaac

    they do not want to open!!!

    Hi guys, girls. I got 3 months a go my Dendrophyllia- 5 polyps. It grow and new I have 8 of them. A bout a week ago they closed and do not want to open,unles I am fidding it, and then they closing again. WHAT THE HALL?
  10. isaac

    Unkonown Hitchiker Crab with Photo

    in general, any crab that its hary. NO GOOD.
  11. isaac

    rose bubble anemone

    Just make sure that it wont be close to any of your corals. My rose just stink my Dendrophyllia and its close for about 8 days. if it happens just tach it slowley and he will move to diffrent location
  12. isaac

    rose bubble anemone

    Just make sure that it wont be close to any of your corals. My rose just stink my Dendrophyllia and its close for about 8 days. if it happens just tach it slowley and he will move to diffrent location
  13. isaac

    stuck sea urchin HELP

    is it steel a live?
  14. isaac

    its not heppining

    how long it will take them to open
  15. isaac

    its not heppining

    Hi guys, girls. My Dendrophyllia good till about 8 days ago. My Rose Anemone moved very close to the Dendrophyllia and from that day its close. I have moved it to deferent location, still close. I have moved the anemone out and the dedrophyllia back to the original place , still close. What do I...
  16. isaac

    Water Changes...In a 250 gallon Tank??

    Hi there. I have a 125 gal havey reef tank. I DO WATER CHANGE 10% EVERY WEEK. A MUST. the only think that will happen to your tank is good. Do top of with fresh RO mixed with osmo and every week 10% water change. Once a month I do 25% water chnge. Good luck.
  17. isaac

    Its for real.

    I am working new on a nice camera that can get me nice pictures. Regarding the baby coco warm, it looks same like the " mother" they have to " heads" like the mother, so walk like a duck, talk like a duck,,,,,. the moment that i will have pictures i will post it.
  18. isaac

    Its for real.

    waiting to let them grow into the rocks, they grow very fast. Once its going to be establish, then yes. The lfs offering $ 85 each.
  19. isaac

    Its for real.

    Hi there. After losing my baby , mystery wrasse last week, Wanted to share with you. I have 125 gal reef all kind of corals,Dendrophyllia 5 poleps and 2 new babys,2 Rose Anemone ,Acropora Tortuosa, ORA Neon Green Acropora,Purple Lobster , and all kind of other goddis,AND Red Coco Worm , WITCH...
  20. isaac

    RE: New Fish Dying - HELP

    my understanding from what you said is that you changing water bi monthly? I will change the water bi weekly and as the rest said water perimters? whan you said aclimate for three hours, do you water dreep or just floting the bag in the tank?