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  1. 30gal4fish

    nitrite emergency

    i just want to know how often do i change the cartrige inside. and how often should i feed my fish, because i feed them every day and apparently that is bringing the nitrate up. should i use prime once in a while? or that is just for starting up the tank
  2. 30gal4fish

    nitrite emergency

    one questions, there are two filters that i buy for my magnun 350 the soft one that goes around and the hard one that goes inside. how often do i suppose to change the inside one and how do i suppose to clean it. i just read something that is probably what i am doing wrong but i just want to...
  3. 30gal4fish

    nitrite emergency

    i test the nitrite wrong, it was 0.25 the calcium was 500 i dont know what i did to change the water so drasticly. i just hope i have not kill my fish by tomorrow morning. any advise will help. after this, i did a water change of 5 gal, and salinity went to 1.021
  4. 30gal4fish

    nitrite emergency

    i have a 30 gal tank with 50 lb LR one clown fish, 2 damssels, one lown more blenny and one angel fish (the one with the black line on the bottom) i also have a start fish and 2 anemonies with 4 sponges. my amonia is 0 but my nitrite is 5 it has never been so high. i have not done anything...
  5. 30gal4fish

    green hairy live rock and sponges

    my tank has grown like green hair covering all the live rocks and the sponges have like white hair around them, what is this?
  6. 30gal4fish

    anemonie acting weird

    to raise the salinity, do i just salt water? and how much of water change?
  7. 30gal4fish

    anemonie acting weird

    salinity is 1.021 calcium is 480 temperature is 80-82 F i dont have a phospate test, i will get one today dont they sell like stickers that you can puton your tank to test all this stuff?
  8. 30gal4fish

    anemonie acting weird

    i just bought an anemone together with a 30" 65w satellite for my 30 gal tank. my water levels are amonia .50 nitrate 10 nitrite .25 ph 7.8 i added prime to reduce the amonia and nitrates, i dont know how good will do. i change the water on the 17th. this is the 4th day ive had the anemone...
  9. 30gal4fish

    red starfish laying on sand

    sorry, yes the starfish is red with gray on the top. sorry for the ignorance, but what is reating, and the other thing what about the membrane that is under,
  10. 30gal4fish

    red starfish laying on sand

    i bought it 3 days ago, and those 3 days was very active sticking to the live rock and moving but now is in one place, i know is alive because when i touch it the little things on the bottom move it also has a membrane covering the bottom center of the star fish the store told me they eat...
  11. 30gal4fish

    how do you cure fish

    if the fish has ich, should i take the fish out and treat him alone, or would this be more strees for the fish and will cause him to die. another deseas, if my fish has the bacteria to cause him to have bad nutrition or red spots on the skin, what should i do. are this fish salvable? can they be...
  12. 30gal4fish

    angel acting weird, small fish diying

    i bought this 3 fish that are blue and green (shiny) and small. i have had them for a week, it look that they were not eating pellets, because they ate them but they were to big for their mouth so i start dropping Zooplex from kent marine. after i did that, one of the 3 appeared dead the next...
  13. 30gal4fish


    would you recommend this product? it suppose to accelerate coraline algie and eliminate the bad one please advise.
  14. 30gal4fish

    bulb exchange (light for my corals)

    great website for coraline algie, check it out. Link Violation
  15. 30gal4fish

    bulb exchange (light for my corals)
