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  1. starr

    Reccomendations for 24 gallon NANO??

    Hey I just ordered a new 24 gallon deluxe, Im very excited! :) I want a reef tank, not aggressive with LOTS of color. So far I want a clown and a dragonent, the dragonent very much later on of course and yes I have done my reasearch! :) So what are your favorite corals?
  2. starr

    sea apple

    They are very very beautiful! I wanted one my self! However they are poisioness when scared or when they die. Its like putting a beautiful ticking time bomb in your tank! Although they are very pretty arent they? SORRY! It was a bummer to me too!
  3. starr

    Lion and Anemone??

    Thanks guys for all the help! :)
  4. starr

    Lion and Anemone??

    well for now I have a 44 gal. about 15 lbs live rock, hermits, a ultra blue maxim, and a electric flame scallop. The theme is just what I like really. I found the condi and I liked it, tried to do my reasearch on putting it in the tank but couldnt find anything. If it will burn and kill my baby...
  5. starr

    Lionfish behavior???

    Our Volitan lion is a big puppy dog, he eats krill like crazy, which is what you want! :) Yours not wanting to eat live food is kind of good, if he is eating then no worries. We do give ours ghost shrimp for a treat every once in a while. I would agree, it is probably the LFS that is the...
  6. starr

    Lion and Anemone??

    I have looked everywhere and I cant find if anemones and lions get along ok or not... my lion is aggressive some times, he killed an eel and a star but sleeps with our maxim clam!!! Funny stuff!! Hes a real doll though, although the loss of the eel and star were sad. I would like to put a...
  7. starr

    24g nano cube deluxe

    Jacksdad, could you send me an email too? THANKS!!!
  8. starr

    Purple Linka Dying?????

    Hey, I bought a purple linka star and put him in the tank with a lionfish and eel, now I heard they would be fine BUT last night he looked like someone was picking on him, he had all his legs so I put him in a critter cage with a lid inside the tank, tied to the lid so he would have fresh water...
  9. starr

    10-gallon tank question

    Well definatley the 10 gal will need water changes, adds, lower salt... whatever and just because a 10 gal is smaller it would make since that the water would need more attention, NEVER say never though!!!! :) I'm a begginner too, well its been a few months of experience now but I'm still a...
  10. starr

    1 inch of fish per gallon

    he does not like the krill, he only eats one piece and if fed two he spits it out, plus white shrimp would be a snack or treat if you will that he will enjoy and we will enjoy watching
  11. starr

    hand feeding lions???

    well chocolate chip (his name) started hand feeding the day after I posted that, He puts his spines down when we sit by the tank and always when I put my hand in so I gave it a few test rins and jumped! :), also its the only way he will eat the krill. If he stings me then that will be ok, life...
  12. starr

    1 inch of fish per gallon

    GOOD NEWS! :) In our new tank everything is stabilized and has been for days now and my lion looks great! He is eating the krill, only one piece however, right out of our hands. I asked how to hand feed him and I was told that if you stick your hand in the tank and his spines lay down then he...
  13. starr

    hand feeding lions???

    We are the proud owners of a bouncing baby boy, or girl! :jumping: Lion fish! :happyfish I would love to know how the people who have, have taught their little guy to get hand fed. Step by step would be great! we will be feeding krill, :happyfish any other food suggustions?
  14. starr

    New tank... Questions... Lions, puffers, eels,

    Thats what I thought about the lfs but I hoped for the best, guess i shouldnt have! :) No more advise on the tank? One more update the ammonia is down and safe and he ate a piece of krill, only one though, the other 3 floated around and just as he was going to eat them when they settled on the...
  15. starr

    New tank... Questions... Lions, puffers, eels,

    Hey Yall!! I also posted my message on the aggressive posts and I wrote an update there, I really appreciate all the advise and would love to hear tons more!!!!!!! The tank is about a month or more now so if you would like to please look at my other post and get back to me, I love this site and...
  16. starr

    New tank... Questions... Lions, puffers, eels,

    Thanks! Yall have been very helpful! I just have a noraml lion, the ones at the pet store, not a fuzzy or anything like that, he is really pretty though, hes mostly brown with light and dark orange. I love him already! :) His name is chocolate chip, because of the brown and also because his...
  17. starr

    New tank... Questions... Lions, puffers, eels,

    Hey I am new to this salt water thing, this is our first tank, I have done a lot of reading and I know some, but not much, lots of things conflict when your trying to learn about salt water tanks! I have a few questions and wasn’t really sure who to ask them too. I will put the numbers beside...
  18. starr

    New tank... Questions... Lions, puffers, eels,

    Hey I am new to this salt water thing, this is our first tank, I have done a lot of reading and I know some, but not much, lots of things conflict when your trying to learn about salt water tanks! I have a few questions and wasn’t really sure who to ask them too. I will put the numbers beside...