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  1. okiefish

    Skunk/Coral Banded Shrimp??

    Originally Posted by theappe Can I keep a coral banded together with a skunk cleaner shrimp? My coral b. took out my cleaner shrimp. Or at least I saw him devouring the remains one morning when I woke up. Afterwards I had a friend tell me about another friend of his that claimed his Coral B...
  2. okiefish

    Sebae Anemone

    I was given a Sebae Anemone from a friend of mine that is getting rid of his tank inhabitants and starting over w/ aggressive. I also have a bubble tip w/ a tomato clown. I read where the Sebae is "expert" only and that a "blue striped clown" helps w/ the health of the sebae anemones. Would the...
  3. okiefish

    yellow tang has a brown mark????

    Originally Posted by mystic7 Yellow Tangs and Foxfaces do NOT mix. That "white thing near his tail" is actually bone and part of his skeletal structure. If it's dangling he must be trying to break it off completely so he can grow a new one. Don't know about the brown spot. Could be a bruise, but...
  4. okiefish

    yellow tang has a brown mark????

    Thanks for the reply. Its a 90 gallon tank. I do have a coral branded shrimp and have heard they go after fish sometimes. I thought the attacking the glass was alittle strange since he's never done it before. But like I said, he's done it w/ the foxface. Other inabitants are: 2 Blue damsels 1...
  5. okiefish

    Yellow tank has a brown spot.....

    He has a small brownish spot near his tail. Almost looks like a scrape or something. And on that same side the white line/spot that they have on both sides near their tails appears loose. Kinda like a finger nail thats been cut but still hanging on the finger. (sorry, best description I could...
  6. okiefish

    yellow tang has a brown mark????

    I'll also add that he has been butting the tank glass every now and then with his tail end. Its the same thing he's been doing w/ the foxface for nearly two months which I took as trying to bully the foxface. But he had never done it to the glass.
  7. okiefish

    yellow tang has a brown mark????

    He has a small brownish spot near his tail. Almost looks like a scrape or something. And on that same side the white line/spot that they have on both sides near their tails appears loose. Kinda like a finger nail thats been cut but still hanging on the finger. (sorry, best description I could...
  8. okiefish

    My Anemone SPLIT

    Now it looks like I have two of them. Is this normal? Why does it happen? Is he ok and will they both survive? I had a friend of mine tell me they can do that. :notsure:
  9. okiefish

    Nitrates -30 & PH dropped to 7.8

    Originally Posted by Tizzo Yep... that could very well be the reason. If you removed all the filter media then you removed the beneficial bacteria with it and cause a mini cycle... It is better to remove it a little at a time. Ophiura got to it first... Thanks for the replys guys. I was...
  10. okiefish

    Nitrates -30 & PH dropped to 7.8

    I have a canister filter. I went ahead this evening and changed out the foam pads. I'm starting to recall that last time I changed out the filter I didn't have any foam pads. The "Fine" foam pads were pretty nasty when I changed it. Could that be the reason for the Nitrate jump?
  11. okiefish

    Nitrates at 30 and PH at 7.8

    Ammonia and Nitrites are at 0 but my Nitrates jumped to 30 and my PH is showing to be at 7.8. This is the first time I've tested the PH and its been below 8. My Nitrates are usually around 10 or less. What could have caused the changes? I have a 90 gallon w/ 90lbs LR Tomato Clown Yellow Tang...
  12. okiefish

    Nitrates -30 & PH dropped to 7.8

    Ammonia and Nitrites are at 0 but my Nitrates jumped to 30 and my PH is showing to be at 7.8. This is the first time I've tested the PH and its been below 8. My Nitrates are usually around 10 or less. What could have caused the changes? I have a 90 gallon w/ 90lbs LR Tomato Clown Yellow Tang...
  13. okiefish

    Explain where your user name originated

    Okiefish Uhhhh. ..... . :thinking: I live in Oklahoma.
  14. okiefish

    Help With Conversion

    I currently have a 90 gallon tank w/ a cannister filter and a protein skimmer that hangs on the back. I've been told this might not be the best way to run things. I'm wanting to convert to a wet dry filter w/ a sump. I don't know a whole alot about how to get there. Want to ask ?'s on here first...
  15. okiefish

    Converting to a sump/wetdry filter! PLEASE HELP

    thanks for the reply. I'll do as you said, post in the other forum.
  16. okiefish

    Converting to a sump/wetdry filter! PLEASE HELP

    I currently have a 90 gallon tank w/ a cannister filter and a protein skimmer that hangs on the back. I've been told this might not be the best way to run things. I'm wanting to convert to a wet dry filter w/ a sump. I don't know a whole alot about how to get there. Want to ask ?'s on here first...
  17. okiefish

    What do you do about the fan?

    Originally Posted by Batman1820 What do you all do about the loud fan in your lights? Do you just turn it off? I like to watch my tank before i sleep and that thing is just llooouuudddd I hate to say this but I'm glad my fan isnt the only one. I thought maybe my lights had a bad fan or...
  18. okiefish

    Grass/algea looking stuff

    Originally Posted by Dogstar Are you talking about a macro/plant or a coral that looks like grass. I quess most common in LFS is caulerpas, turtleweed, caterpillor or shaveing brush. But I would not say any that I know of are silverish. Maybe some shaving brushes might look silverish w/ certain...
  19. okiefish

    which clown, maroon or tomato?

    I've only had fish in my tank for 6 or 7months and have had a tomato clown for 5 months of it. He does not like the blue damsel and the two domino damsels I have. He is constantly chasing them off if they get any where near his bubble tip anemone. He doesn't bother the tang or the foxface though.
  20. okiefish

    Shiny grass looking algea?

    Grass/algea looking stuff. It has a shine to it. Almost a silver looking shine. I know this sounds very blah of a description. What is it? I've seen it at the store but can't find it on the internet.