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  1. hunter29

    Hippo and Powder Blue

    try moving the rocks around, so the new territory can be claimed
  2. hunter29

    fairy wrasse ich

    try asking your lfs if you can pay now and take later. explain the situation, and ask them to hold them in a separate tank by themselves. they might say no but it couldnt hurt to ask. if they say no ask another store if they could hold them for you and promise future purchases there. win-win...
  3. hunter29

    to get or not to get a snowflake

    dont get me wrong an eel is an eel. hes a hunter killer predator and revenge taker. if a damsil messes with him for to long one day the fish wiil be gone.but the question was if a sfe would eat one of the 3 fish listed, and those 2 to 3 inch fish wont be on the menu in my opinion. just to add...
  4. hunter29

    black ribbon eel

    sorry no camera. what do i need his nostrils are lightening up now. guess its a front to back change. the rest of his body is still jet black.
  5. hunter29

    to get or not to get a snowflake

    i dont know about 2 cause i only have 1 sfe but deff get it, great pick up. tough, fun and 1 of my favorites in my tank and i dont think he wont eat any of those
  6. hunter29

    snowflake in reef

    i feed my sfe by hand (just got my black ribbon to do it to, it was awesome). he eats mostly frozen krill, but once in a while he likes frzn silversides and some live stuff too. he can be very lazy cause he doesnt have to hunt, besides his hunting skills arent that great. kind of sad but funny...
  7. hunter29

    Dead Shark Egg?

    u should able to see it with a lite, would be moving if still alive. whatelse is in the tank w it? hermit crabs maybe? they always seemed to eat things i didnt want them to touch, untill my eel ate them. justice served.
  8. hunter29

    snowflake in reef

    how big is the eel? ive had one since he was about 6-7 inches. around a foot is when he started to eat hermit crabs. chromis sould be safe as long as they dont mess with him. i had (key word had) a blue devil that thought he was boss and would smack the eel w his tail for months. then one day my...
  9. hunter29

    black ribbon eel

    the inside of his mouth seems to be getting much lighter as compared to the rest of his jet black color. it almost looks like its turning white , now its a light grayish. ive had him a couple of months now and he is an excellent eater, never had any probs that ive heared about with this...
  10. hunter29

    ribbon eel

    i dont really know how old he is. i asked him but he didnt reply. ive had him for a few months probably late winter early springish.
  11. hunter29

    ribbon eel

    does anybody else have one. mine is about 2.5 to 3 feet long, still black and yellow. at what size will he change color to blue/yellow. he is an excellent fish killer and seems to always grab them right on the gills, pull em around then swallow em down. very pretty when coasting thru the water...
  12. hunter29

    geting bit by a goldentail moray

    is it like puppy teeth cause those things can cause some pain.
  13. hunter29

    fin and tail rot

    you have no idea on how hard i tried to get mar-2. called 3 petcos and asked them for the sw version. they all said yes they have it, so i drive there only to find that no one can read the difference between salt and fresh. so after cursing out the 3rd manger and asking them how stupid can you...
  14. hunter29

    geting bit by a goldentail moray

    i have a 20 inch snowflake and i feed him by hand. he bites occasionally but it doesnt hurt just a little pressure kind of like a pinch
  15. hunter29

    fin and tail rot

    well the poor guy died. i fell asleep at 3 and by 8 he was gone. to answer your questions there is no live rock in the 30 gal hospital tank. its been up and running for about 7 or 8 months. just got the fish no more than 2 weeks ago. i went away for 1 night and when i came back i noticed he...
  16. hunter29

    fin and tail rot

    the water is fine. he has fin and tail rot. i gave him maracyn for the last two days but hes no longer swimming just struggling to breathe. his right fin is just about half way deteriated and whitish spots are on his body. not like ich spots but blotches
  17. hunter29

    fin and tail rot

    i have a blonde naso tang and hes dying. can anyone help