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  1. susieq

    Grounded Plugs

    I have a couple of new developments. I plan to move my tank to another spot in my classroom to take advantage of more outlets. I'm also going to replace my filter and heater with an all in one unit. Anyone know about the Eheim Pro Thermofilter? I found the 3 prong heater right here at...
  2. susieq

    Grounded Plugs

    I am starting to feel there might be hope. Thank you. The district has agreed to upgrade my outlets and may also replace my equipment (and everyone elses) if needed. I also received an email from a pre-k teacher who was trying to give away her turtle for the same reasons. Her little students are...
  3. susieq

    Grounded Plugs

    Thank you all for your replies. I am getting ready to pack up my fish and bring them home. This is going to be a losing fight. The nice people at responded to my email and said no heaters have 3 prongs. It doesn't matter what other equipment I have if I can't heat the water...
  4. susieq

    Grounded Plugs

    We don't run any other equipment with 2 prong plugs. We can also not use power strips or any kind of plug in the wall expanders. The fine is $200 per day. I'm preparing myself mentally to move my fish. I have a 75 gallon at home, but the students like the fish. I've had my clownfish longer than...
  5. susieq

    Grounded Plugs

    I currently have a 55 gal tank and run an Aqua-Tech hang on filter. The other problem is the heater. All the teachers in my department have been to multiple pet stores this weekend.
  6. susieq

    Grounded Plugs

    Thanks. I'm going to double check this. Our building supervisor said we can not have 2 prong plugs, even with a gfci. 5 science teachers are trying to save tanks.
  7. susieq

    Grounded Plugs

    Thanks. I don't mind getting a new filter. I've looked on line but most equipment just says, "UL listed" and since the plug is not a major selling point, I don't know what they look like. I've been to six local pet stores but none of the filters or heaters have 3 prong plugs. (Including major...
  8. susieq

    Grounded Plugs

    My tank is in my classroom. OSHA came through yesterday and said no electrical appliances of any kind can have 2 pronged plugs. They all must be three pronged. Does anyone know where I can get heater and filter with grounds? I won't be able to have my tank at school without them. It's been up...
  9. susieq

    Grounded Plugs

    My tank is in my classroom. OSHA came through yesterday and said no electrical appliances of any kind can have 2 pronged plugs. They all must be three pronged. Does anyone know where I can get heater and filter with grounds? I won't be able to have my tank at school without them. It's been up...
  10. susieq

    White spot help

    I think I have the same thing. I think they are small feather dusters. I've read that they are harmless but I have quite a few and I'd like to find something that will eat them. Anyone have any ideas?
  11. susieq

    What's on my Scarlett???

    Thanks for the replies. The crab isn't at a good angle right now. I'll try later. These are 2 protrusions from the shell of the crab. They look fuzzy. If it isn't something harmful, I won't worry about it. The picture I posted is pretty much what it looks like on the crab.
  12. susieq

    What's on my Scarlett???

    Let's try again. Bump
  13. susieq

    What's on my Scarlett???

    Can anyone tell me what's on this scarlett crab? I got it today. I just want to know if it's some kind of hitchhiker.
  14. susieq

    Why Puff Up 4 No Reason

    Could this be some kind of mating thing? Several people have posted that their puffers puffed lately.
  15. susieq

    Cycling with Shrimp

    Thanks, this is my second tank. I cycled the first according to LFS instructions, you know how that goes. I wanted to do it right this time.
  16. susieq

    Cycling with Shrimp

    OK - I've had my raw peeled shrimp in my 75 gal for 2 days now. Ammonia is .25, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0. If I understand the process, I wait until the ammonia reaches 1 and then take the shrimp out. Nitrite should go up, then nitrate. When nitrate = 10-20, I do my first water change and can add...
  17. susieq

    Cycled Tank

    When I set up my first tank(55), the guy at the LFS told me to run it without anything in it for 3 months. i ran filters, changed water etc. Then he told me to add damsels. He also sold me crushed coral that I had to replace with sand over a year later. I don't listen to them anymore. I'm...
  18. susieq

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    Is there any reason not to use plastic? Can it cause any problems?
  19. susieq

    How long do shrimp, crabs and snails live...

    I think my royal gramma went crazy a while ago and attacked my peppermint shrimp. 1 was half eaten and others developed what looked like hickeys on their abdomens. They died. I have other shrimp that haven't been bothered. What fish do you have?
  20. susieq

    rinsing sand??

    This is how I did it: I put the sand in a container and let water overflow the container to wash out loose "stuff"