Search results

  1. benguck

    treatment for HLLE

    Are there any good treatment recommendations for HLLE?
  2. benguck

    tap water vs distilled water

    is distilled water better for the tank instead of tap water with detoxifier?
  3. benguck

    lighting help

    I have a 55g FOWLR (and a few other inverts: cleaner shrimp & emerald crabs). My current lighting is the standard 15w, 24inch bulbs that came with the tank (there is one on each side for a total of 2 bulbs for the tank) My hood is rated for 19w. Any suggestions on what bulb to add to give my...
  4. benguck

    lowering salinity level with inverts

    I've heard of some people lowering the salinity level to ward off outbreaks while keeping inverts in their tank. Anybody try this and have luck?
  5. benguck

    had ick. when is it safe to add new fish?

    how are you doing your hypo treatment?
  6. benguck

    popeye on tang

    I'm pretty sure my hippo tang has popeye. Is Melafix the way to go or should I use something else? Any potential causes on how he got it? Thanks!
  7. benguck

    What is the best tang

    I'm like JMRT, I have a yellow & blue hippo in a 55g for 6 months now and both are great
  8. benguck

    Anybody Know How To Catch A Cbs?

    I have a coral banded shrimp and "had" 2 cleaner shrimp living in harmony for months and all of a sudden my cbs decided to kill them (I witnessed one of the homicides myself) and now it kills any new cleaner shrimp that I try to add to replace the murdered ones. Not sure if it got bored all of...
  9. benguck

    My new octopus

    cool octo. what were the colored rings in the tank?
  10. benguck

    when is going to start selling fish again?

    I know they don't ship over the holidays but does anyone know when they'll start selling again? I want to spend some Christmas money.
  11. benguck

    What type of shrimp and snails?

    I recommend a cleaner shrimp. I have 2 and they are great additions. very active & fun to watch plus they "clean" your fish of parasites which is very cool to watch as well
  12. benguck

    UV sterilizer question

    Are you supposed to filter the water before running it throught the UV? I currently have a sponge on my powerhead inport filtering uneaten food, waste, etc. before it gets run through the UV.
  13. benguck

    UV FILTER. Pros? Cons? Is it REALLY Worth the $$??

    how do you guys filter the water that enters your UV? Do you use a spone over the inport of the powerhead?
  14. benguck

    How prone are Blue Hippos...

    My hippo shows a few signs of ich (just a few spots) about once a month for 1-2 days. Gives my shrimp (2 cleaner, 1 fire) something to pick off him. My shrimp are always cleaning all my fish, highly recommeded! Plus they're fun to watch. I also use a UV sterilizer and garlic guard by seachem.
  15. benguck


    Is it OK to do hyposalinity with inverts? What should you lower it too and for how long?
  16. benguck

    why are my fish scraping against the rockwork?

    A few of my fish are rubbing/scraping themselves against the rockwork as if they were scratching themselves. Is this a sign of anything?
  17. benguck

    Lets see those IN-wall tanks!

    I'd love to do an in-wall tank someday, do most build their own?
  18. benguck

    My Saltwater Headboard

    That is pretty much the coolest tank I've ever seen. When I'm done with school I may seriously give you a call to work something out
  19. benguck

    Slap Me

    I've ordered many fish and inverts off of the internet (here from and haven't had a problem yet with critters showing up dead. Thanks saltwaterfish!!!! (I did have one shrimp die the next day but they replaced it for free on my next order and that one is doing great)