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  1. krisiks

    ID Please!! Urgent

    Is it easy to keep?? I actually have anemone and zoos in my tank and wondering if I can keep this coral. Thanks.
  2. krisiks

    Lionfish ID

    Thanks for replying. Sorry again for the quality of the pictures. Anyway, I did some research on the internet and I think that it is a zebra lionfish. But I am still looking for some info on this species, the size and colour. Thanks.
  3. krisiks

    Lionfish ID

    Can anyone ID this lionfish for me please. Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures. If you need more pics in different angle to ID it, let me know. Thanks.
  4. krisiks

    Dwaf Lionfish

    Thanks for the replies. This lionfish comes from the ocean. I don't know what kind of lion it is but will try to take a pic and show you. For the moment I will try looking for ghost shrimp. Thanks.
  5. krisiks

    Dwaf Lionfish

  6. krisiks

    Dwaf Lionfish

    Hi everybody, I just bought a lionfish today and was wondering whether I can't feed it live freshwater fish. If not, why? Thanks.
  7. krisiks

    Healthy Corals

    I use ocean water and change 10% every week (I live at seaside). I am asking if I need to add iodine, calcium, etc... because I read that people add these to help their corals grow and to be healthy. Do I have to use them if I am using water directly from ocean? Need your advise please. Thanks.
  8. krisiks

    Healthy Corals

  9. krisiks

    Healthy Corals

    Hi, Since one month I have added some soft and hard corals to my tank (Don't know the names of corals). I am actually doing some search on these beautiful creatures. Can anyone help me with the solutions needed to make healthy corals? I have read that they need iodine, strontium, calcium...
  10. krisiks

    Clam Question

    This depend where you are. In my country, it is illegal to take things from the ocean but I am against the law I go to the beach and do snorkel every weekend and collect fish, corals, etc... from the ocean and I have never seen someone representing law (Coastguard) around also, here the...
  11. krisiks


    Hi, I am actually thinking of adding a moonlight over my tank, and would like to make one myself as it will be cheaper. Can anyone tell me about the bulb wattage to use? How many bulbs do I need as I have a tank of 72 gallons which 50cm Height. What kind of bulb to use? Hope someone could...
  12. krisiks

    Clam Question

    Yes, I have just added the clam in my tank one week ago. The other clam that I have since 3 weeks has never gaped. I got these clams from ocean while snorkeling. Anyway, I will try to put the new clam in a shaded place in my tank until it stop to gape. Am I doing the right thing?
  13. krisiks

    Clam Question

    Hi, I have 2 clams, one is gaping and the other one is doing fine (Just like the pic above). What should I do when a clam is gaping? Not enough light? Should change it's place?
  14. krisiks

    Lionfish Food

    Hi deb :) It is not my lionfish, it is for my cousin and I am trying to help him out as his fish has bloated. I will tell him to feed it once every 2 days. I wanted a small lion to put in my refugium (40g) but I am going reef and I read that lionfish is much too dirty to put in a reef. By the...
  15. krisiks

    Lionfish Food

    Hi, I just bought a dwarf lion last sunday and it is doing great. I feed it one small saltwater live fish everyday (Caught from seaside). My question is ... How often to feed the lionfish? Everyday? Every 2 days? .....etc. Thanks.
  16. krisiks

    Clownfish Mouth / HELP PLZ

    Hi, Hope to find some help here. The mouth of my clownfish stays open all the time and I can see 2 brown things, looks like rabbit teeth :) I was wondering if my clownfish is sick (I saw this 2 weeks before but did not pay attention, thought it was the wait it breath) this morning it has...
  17. krisiks

    MH - Need Help!

    Thanks for replying. Therefore, 6hr of light will be enough. I wanted to know because of the electricity bill :) my parent will kill me if the bill goes up too much. Will try to look for a timer this weekend. Thanks, Kr|S
  18. krisiks

    MH - Need Help!

    Hi people, Yesterday I got my MH 150W, and need some help for setup. 1) How height should I put it over my tank? 30cm is enough? 2) I read that 6hr of light is enough, is that true? Thanks.
  19. krisiks

    Phytoplankton - Help!

    Hi, I was wondering if marine phytoplankton same as freshwater phytoplankton, and whether I can use freshwater phytoplankton to feed my marine tank. My problem is that any LFS in my country sell the starter kit for marine phytoplankton, therefore very difficult to start a culture. For...
  20. krisiks

    Nitrate = 0 / Fish Only

    Thanks for your replies. OK, I think I will do a water change every 2 weeks. Thanks for your advise. Kr|S