Search results

  1. clarki

    Bottled Pods

    I wanted a mandarin so badly for so long... I tried a few times with no success and had literally given up.... Then I set up my 30 gal. tank and had nothing in it for months... I started noticing it was full of cope pods and bristle worms...just swarming with them.. so I thought I'd give it one...
  2. clarki

    Something I've Always Wanted To Know

    I've always topped my tank off with fresh water and I've never had a problem but for some odd reason my salt is down to 1.020 today... probably too low... so far no one looks unhappy... but the xenias.. they're a little wilted.. probably need to add salt soon then I'm guessing.....
  3. clarki

    Something I've Always Wanted To Know

    What exactly is the perfect measurement of salt in a reef tank?
  4. clarki

    algae eating reef fish

    I have a 60 gal. reef tank that has been established for a few years and has a number of corals and a mated pair of black perculas, a yellow wrasse, a lawmower blenny and tons of crabs (emerald, porcelain, sally light foot, red & blue legged hermits) a coral banded shrimp, a red serpent star, a...
  5. clarki

    algae eating reef fish

    Besides a tang what other fish is reef safe and will keep my calpauera under control? It's taking over my tank and I have to pull it out in handfuls every couple of days... Tangs are so prone to ick I'm reluctant to get one... what else is an option?
  6. clarki


    If I could catch him without tearing up my reef I would!! He's too aggressive...
  7. clarki


    I bought a cleaner shrimp last week and immediately the coral banded shrimp caught him and ate him!! I wanted to add another cleaner...(that's why I am considering the neon goby) but want to make sure I don't sentence him to death immediately!!
  8. clarki


    Can I add a neon goby to a reef tank that has a lawnmower blenny and a yellow wrasse? I also have 3 perculas, and a coral banded shrimp and miscellaneous snails and crabs... I am really only concerned about the wrasse (since it's also a burrowing fish) and the blenny since gobies and blennys...
  9. clarki

    Questions on Ich

    if you have no inverts or corals you can use that stuff... is it the stuff that turns the wter blue? It works.... it's hard on anything other than the fish.. but it will clean it up.. If you have corals or inverts use Chem Marine Stop Parasite... or you can do the hyposalinity if you want...
  10. clarki

    itchy fish

    itching is usually a parasite.... I'd say treat for ick...
  11. clarki

    Medicating the tank

    Well.. there's a great debate in this forum regarding medicines.. But those of us who have used it will tell you I HAVE SEEN IT WORK>>> Use some Chem Marine Stop Parasite...if you have ick... it will NOT harm any of your inverts or corals... but IT DID CLEAN UP THE PARASITES FROM MY CLOWNS...
  12. clarki

    Treating Ich in a reef tank

    Here's another testimonial for what DOES work in a reef tank!! There's been an ongoing debate regarding any product that actually does work to kill ick in a reef tank.... I had ick break out and I tried a couple of products with no results, then I tried catching the fish and quarantining them...
  13. clarki

    ICK? Brookwhatever?

    Bump this up... Please? I dont' have a quarantine tank.... and I don't know how to get the clowns and the tang out of the reef tank without destroying all the rockwork and disturbing all the corals and anemones.... but they look like they're really itchy.... I want to help them.....
  14. clarki

    ICK? Brookwhatever?

    forgot to mention... I also have a cleaner shrimp in there.. I've seen him working on the tang.. but not the perculas..... he's trying though...
  15. clarki

    ICK? Brookwhatever?

    I bought a naso tang that got a slight case of ick after a few days in my 60 gal. reef tank... I started treating with garlic in the food, and some NO-ICK treatment... I also have a mated pair of black perculas who are now kind of "fuzzy" looking... they're scratching .. not sure if they have...
  16. clarki

    Moving live rock to treat for ick

    there is one ick medicine that is safe for reef tanks (well the only one I know of anyway) I'm treating mine right now as a matter of fact. I did just add a cleaner shrip yesterday and today the naso (who had the ick) has been standing for over an hour letting the shrimp eat the parasites off...
  17. clarki

    has anyone had a powder blue that lives more than a few weeks !!!!

    First pb only about 3 weeks... it was in a 55gal. fish only but with a yellow and a pacific blue.... as well as a lunar wrasse... it was too docile to compete for food.... just got a second one... it's the only tang in my 60 gal. reef tank with a mated pair of black perculas and a yellow...
  18. clarki

    Any scavenger eat green hair algea?

    ok this sounds dumb... but how do you find the source of it? And what adjustments do you make to stop it?
  19. clarki

    Explanation Needed of Nitrogen bubbles in sandbed.

    Please give more explanation on this.... I think this may be my problem... I have bubbles on my sand and now the red slime algae and I've been struggling with amonia spikes since I moved and had to move the whole tank (I also upgraded to a larger one at the same time) THAT might be the whole...
  20. clarki

    Xenia overload

    I will gladly pay overnight shipping to you as well.... email me at Thanks!