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  1. nofear2003


    I have a 30 gallon eclipse tank with 2 green chromises and I want to take out the crush coral and put in live sand..
  2. nofear2003

    Anyone got a used skimmer they want to sell?

    u got anything else????
  3. nofear2003


    But will it cause my tank to cycle again???
  4. nofear2003


    How could I put in live sand to replace my crush coral even if i got fish already in the tank??? :confused:
  5. nofear2003

    Live Sand Need advice

    How could I put in live sand to replace my crush coral even if i got fish already in the tank??? :confused:
  6. nofear2003

    What Kind of Puffer Should I Get?

    I had a porc in with a starfish and the porc never did bother the starfish..
  7. nofear2003


  8. nofear2003


    What fish should i put in a 29 gallon tank it's a fish only to begin wit.there is nuttin in it besides live rock
  9. nofear2003

    Help Power outage

    How much do backups cost for the tank to keep the water moving??? :rolleyes: :)
  10. nofear2003

    yellow watchman goby

    What do u mean mild??? :confused:
  11. nofear2003

    Mandarin goby

    what's the special diet??
  12. nofear2003


    I took the fish out about 5 months ago and i have added nothing to the tank..
  13. nofear2003


    yea the water has been running..I have a eclipse tank the lr has red stuff on it..
  14. nofear2003


    My tank has been up for a yr now an this past week the ammonia has gone up i have nothing in it right now since i went an gave my fish to my uncle to put in his 75 gal..The ammonia is at .50,ph=8.3,nitrite=0 and nitrates r at 0 so what could be the problem with it..Nothing died unless the...
  15. nofear2003

    anyone keep tank temp mid 80's?

    My 30 gallon usually stays around 76 - 78 an that is wit my windows open right now an the temperature outside about 75 to 80 degrees..The only problem i have encountered recently is my ammonia went up for some reason.. :confused:
  16. nofear2003

    Some Advice

    I will thanx...
  17. nofear2003

    Some Advice

    yea if u don't mind i'd like to have ur e-mail..I'll check him out are the prices reasonable..I'm goin up to pet ********* this weekend to buy some stuff..
  18. nofear2003

    Some Advice

    Yea sure I would liek to have his name..I need to find a good lfs that will have a gurantee on there marine fish or something..
  19. nofear2003

    Some Advice

    I live in st.bernard ..
  20. nofear2003

    Some Advice

    How fish could i put in my 29 gallon saltwater tank??? :p