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  1. pacino

    an interesting article about Atlantic Ocean lionfish

    very interesting info. so sad what contiunes to happen to our environment. also so sad to see somany get turned on to this wonderful hobby, only to get to busy to care for or just flat out get over it. i mean who knows one day one of us could be the sole owner of the last emperor angelfish. we...
  2. pacino

    Your Favorite Music Artist

    Jack Johnson, Tupac Shakur, System of the Down...........
  3. pacino

    sexing a fish

    get them drunk!
  4. pacino

    my library just installed a 3600g sw tank take a look

    where is this library?? i live in orange county, and the huntington beach library has a really beautiful circular tank..
  5. pacino

    puffer problem

    see "hypo-treatment" or "hyposalinity" for treatment in the disease forum. hospital tank would be a good idea if you dont have one already. that is a tough species of puffer to keep though also. but good luck with everything, hope all works out.
  6. pacino

    Yellow Tang won't eat

    dont trip yet, give he/she sometime. new additions sometimes take a week before eating. he/she is probably just getting used to the new surroundings. just keep water quality tip top, and be patient. im sure he/she will be alright. good luck.
  7. pacino

    Fish from *****

    i wouldnt recommend it. most people here would agree. there was one person on here who said they were good once. but i havent seen a ***** yet that had healthy fish. stick with just getting supplies, they have good prices on some stuff. but find a good lfs and stick with them. cause ***** has...
  8. pacino

    Trip to the Georgia Aquarium [Large Pictures]

    what a freakin great place, 6.2 millions? that is insane! what are the dimensions on something like that? and a whale shark!! i am just speechless...
  9. pacino

    Here's lookin at you, show off your puffers

    dang "promise tbg" thats a freakin killer looking puffer. beautiful colors, looks like a blimp with the lights on at night. great fish
  10. pacino

    ever get a fish caught in the pwr head

    thats a great product, if you dont mind it taking up space, and ifor some it might be an eye sore. but i purchased one for the same reason. 802 powerhead kept eating hermits, snails, a pajama card., and a puffer. i have had it ever since, i onle use the actual filter pad of it when i do water...
  11. pacino

    scratched glass

    it must be acrylic i am assuming, anyway yes they do sell kits to take care of those. i think the one i bought from my lfs was from sea clear, which was the maker of the tank i had scratched. it actually worked really well, there are like 8-10 grades of sand paper and you just go step by step...
  12. pacino

    new firefish hiding?????? is this normal?????

    thanks for the answers, i can see them shillin under this rock together. should i continue to drop some food in there ( a little anyway ) till they come out? cause they are the only fish in there. i do have a big clean up crew in there so the uneaten stuff wont just sit... i do have covers on...
  13. pacino

    new firefish hiding?????? is this normal?????

    hi all, i picked up 2 firefish from my LFS, took them home and put them in my 4+ yr established, 30 gallon. water spec's are as follows: PH-8.2 amm-0 nitrites-0 nitrate-0 salinity-1.022 they are the only fish in the tank because i just transfered the previous fish to my bigger tank. anyway they...
  14. pacino

    interesting question ????

    well i guess it wasnt a good question after all. yes i know there are waves crashing and all that, but there arent any powerheads in the reefs around the world. and a bath? im 6'1, i havent been able to sit in a bath tub since i was 13-14
  15. pacino

    interesting question ????

    :thinking: i was just curious, has there ever been a study on the amount of noise going on inside the water of one of our tanks? i just wonder if the fish get stressed by the noise ever. i mean there is no way it is natural. with the powerheads and pumps, skimmers. even if they are in a sump or...
  16. pacino

    skimmer w/reef ready overflow?

    just to be on the safe side, get that power stripe up and away from your sump. you never know!!!
  17. pacino

    Help! My first saltwater tank...

    yeah thats a good start and then when its established you can do like a 10 gallon change a month. im with scarr105, every two weeks is good if you can stay consistant. if you can do one light at a time thats more natural for the animals yes, it simulates the sun rising. as far as spooking them...
  18. pacino

    Help! My first saltwater tank...

    tap water can cause some excess unwanted algae growth, but to me it sounds like the lights are on way to long. there is no reef in the world with the sun up from 9:30 am to midnight. i would cut the lights down, see if you cant get some kind of movement on the sand. try getting "RO" water...
  19. pacino

    UV sterilizers

    sounds like you both are on the right track in my opinion. i have a similar set up, in my 80 gal, as far as running into my sump, except i dont have a chiller yet. UV wont kill ich, but it will help with unwanted algae growth, and help keep the water quality good, which will help fish fight off...
  20. pacino

    adding live sand to established tank???

    i am curious as to what people think about adding a 20lb bag of live sand to a tank that has been running for 3 years. is it good idea or bad idea? and why? :notsure: