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  1. the_buzz_m

    My 190 inwall

    Originally Posted by Bigred The tank was a replacement of my 380 due to a HIGH electric bill($1075 per/mth :scared: ) Bigred, just out of curiousity, how much extra did the 380 add to your electricity bill. Also, how much did it decrease after switching to the 190. We are planning to build a...
  2. the_buzz_m

    retrofit metal halide upgrade

    I currently have a 36" coralife aqualight retrofit kit with a single 150w MH fixture. I would like to upgrade the MH to 250w. Would it be as easy as changing the bulb and ballast, or will there be a lot more to it. I wasn't sure if the wiring could be used or if it would all have to be replaced...
  3. the_buzz_m

    Feedback on new photo gallery website I started!

    Originally Posted by mazzymadde hey buzz, how do u organise your ablum into separte folders for each date, using Jalbum ?? Actually, I keep my pics organized on my HDD in folders by the dat they were taken. JAlbum keeps those folder names for me and puts them in order. So far, I really like...
  4. the_buzz_m

    Feedback on new photo gallery website I started!

    NPage, thanks for the info. I had checked into that one some. I did go ahead and try out another free program called JAlbum. I redid the website and put it under a different folder. Tell me what you think of this one and if you like it more. One thing for sure, it is much easier to create and...
  5. the_buzz_m

    Feedback on new photo gallery website I started!

    I just started a photo gallery website that tracks the progress of my two tanks. I am asking for some feedback on what I could change to make it better. Enjoy the pics and don't hesitate to critique the pictures and tanks either. FYI: One tank is 10 months old...
  6. the_buzz_m

    ID Please

    The 2nd pic looks like sponges. They are normal and won't cause any problems. As for the third pic, I would call that a button polyp (Protopalythoa sp.) I have a couple that came on my rock also. Here is a pic of one under actnic lighting. Hope that helps. the_buzz_man
  7. the_buzz_m

    ID Please and my new rics.

    Originally Posted by maxalmon Far as being harmless, they like to suck the life out of zoo's Please let me know if this is true. I just got finished losing a bunch of zoos to a sundial snail. I had just a few survive and don't want to lose them too. the_buzz_man
  8. the_buzz_m

    ID Please and my new rics.

    I noticed this thing on my clam yesterday. I also noticed another one on a rock last night. Sort of looks like a starfish, but with too many legs. I would love to know what it is and anything I need to know about it. I also am showing off a pic of my new rics, which are also the first I have...
  9. the_buzz_m

    Snail ID!!

    Originally Posted by BabyB look at this page it has a pic of one Thank you very much, that matches the pic (including the white pointy thing sticking out) perfectly. Now for another question...could this be the reason for the spike in ammonia in...
  10. the_buzz_m

    Snail ID!!

    The pic doesn't show the correct coloring. It is pretty much black and white checkered.
  11. the_buzz_m

    Snail ID!!

    I found this snail about a week ago in my tank. It was hanging around a rock with zoos on it, then I noticed that some of the zoos were wilted and fading. I figured he was up to no good, but I was unsuccessful at snagging him. I ended up moving that zoo rock further up. Well, today he appeared...
  12. the_buzz_m

    Should I remove this now or give it a chance?

    Here is a pic of what my tank looked like before and what that leather coral looked like. All the xenia and the Yellow Fiji are gonenow ( ) I mainly wanted you to see that the tank was doing great before hand. I now keep extra filters ready at all times. Once the TDS hits 10, they get changed...
  13. the_buzz_m

    Should I remove this now or give it a chance?

    Originally Posted by trainfever How do you know that your TDS shot up? How did you test for them? I have a dual TDS meter in line with my RODI unit. Normal TDS in is around 180-200. Normal out is below 10. Once I realized things were getting bad, my TDS out was reading 145. I used to check it...
  14. the_buzz_m

    Should I remove this now or give it a chance?

    I had a problem with my tank this past month and ended up losing quite a few corals. What happened was my filters in my RODI must have went out or something as the TDS shot up without me noticing it. Also, my nitrates had gotten pretty high (around 40-60). I first noticed it when my Xenia...
  15. the_buzz_m

    A Tale of Two Xenias'

    Tank is about 7 months old now. All the xenia are from the same colony. I don't have any bio-balls in this system, just a sump with the blue filter pads. I went ahead and cleaned evrything in the sump, as it was looking nasty. In doing so, it allowed me to do an extra 15g water change on top of...
  16. the_buzz_m

    A Tale of Two Xenias'

    I am trying to figure out what is going on with one of my Xenia colonies. I had 4 colonies about a month ago. One was very small and faded away. I didn't worry much about it, chalked it up to not enough light as it was covered by one of the larger colonies. But, I noticed the other day that one...
  17. the_buzz_m

    tank+sump+refugium question

    Would it be better for me to put a second pump in the sump that brings water to the refugium and have the overflow go back into the sump. In other words, I would have two tanks running through the same sump.
  18. the_buzz_m

    tank+sump+refugium question

    I have a 75g Reef Tank with built in overflow that goes to a 30g sump located under the main tank. From there, water is pumped back into the main DP. Obviously, this is the normal way things work. I have now been given a 55g long aquarium and am thinking about adding this one into the system. I...
  19. the_buzz_m

    New coral found, need ID!

    Here is an updated pic of the coral. Seems to be growing very well. Does look like it could be a fox coral. Not sure how they spread. Should I place something next to it for it to grow onto? the_buzz_m
  20. the_buzz_m

    Converting Sump to Refugium question

    I appreciate the many replies...i knew I could count on this section to answer the questions. From what I gather, you suggest the third pic. You say to use the 2nd pic's measurements but the 3rd pic's baffles. I don't see how that is possible. The baffles from both are in the same place, just...