Search results

  1. marineman7

    Better quality: Aquapods or Nano Cubes?

    Love my Aquapod!
  2. marineman7

    Cleaning rounded corners of nano cubes

    If you are just talking about regular cleaning of algae I would suggest getting a "nimble". Which is a small magnet that this guy makes, it gets into the corners. I agree with jacksdad. A Nimble is the best little invention I've ever come across! Vicki
  3. marineman7

    mushroom problem

    I have moved it lower and it is doing a lot better Thank you
  4. marineman7

    New Jawfish

    He sure looks alot better than mine but what I have learned is that if you have other fish give him a rock to burrow under away from the others. Mine seems to do better and has more personality.
  5. marineman7

    percula clownfish and anemone?

    I would choose a bubble anemome because they do pretty well and should be fine for the clowns. If the clowns start scraping against any rocks or glass ar show any weird types of behavior such as shaking or possibly not as active as usual then they most likely have a parasite. I have seen my...
  6. marineman7

    Stocking for 6g nano

    That would probable work as long as you have a pretty good filter to keep the water flowing.
  7. marineman7

    mushroom problem

    I have a compact flourscent and I do water changes almost every thursday. I have moved to a more shaded place but nothuing yet
  8. marineman7

    mushroom problem

    The tank is 20 gallon long and has been running for about 2 years. Sorry but I cant post a pic.
  9. marineman7

    mushroom problem

    I just bought a ricordia mushroom from a local store. It has been doing good for about a week until now I have noticed it does not fully open and does not get its color. It is in almost direct light and enough current to make it move a little. What should I do?? :help:
  10. marineman7

    Finger Leather Coral Frag

    New Jersey
  11. marineman7

    Finger Leather Coral Frag

    I have recently cut off a piece of finger leather coral. It is being held down by a rubber band attached to a rock. How long will it take to fully attach to a rock and where should it be placed? I also have a frag of sea fan and hammer coral that I am willing to trade and ship. Any takers...
  12. marineman7

    xenia propblem

    I actually have reef plus and I have been adding it in moderation. Nothing has happened yet but I will give you an update in a few days. Thanks for your advice on this question and the other one I had. It will really help.
  13. marineman7

    propagation question

    Thanks for the help. I will try that last one. I feel that they should first try to attatch naturally with the least stress.
  14. marineman7

    xenia propblem

  15. marineman7

    xenia propblem

    My xenia was placed near my hammer coral. It was doing fine for about a wek until one day my hammer completely covered it. It closed up for about 4 days and now has reopened, but is not pulsing. What should I do???
  16. marineman7

    Coral sites

    Please post any web sites you know of that sell corals and are pretty good, or that you run. Also are there any websites you have personaly bought from, including this site, that are good.
  17. marineman7

    New Tank

    instant ocean
  18. marineman7

    Looking for corals to buy, DC area

    If you are interested send email address. You are not supposed to buy and sell corals on this sight.
  19. marineman7

    xenia to trade in nj! pick up only

    How big is the xenia?
  20. marineman7

    Looking for corals to buy, DC area

    I have a couple of frags bu they are not ready yet I live in NJ and I am whiling to ship them. They are very hardy. I can send more info if interested!