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  1. ecohippie

    someone ate the crab legs

    btw...very nice looking tank! I aspire for mine to look that good.
  2. ecohippie

    someone ate the crab legs

    I have had the same problems. I have been losing hermit crabs and a few fish in the past. Currently, there has been a resurgence of missing crabs. I now believe it is a mantis shrimp after much research and help from the kind folks on this site. The strange thing is, I have never seen...
  3. ecohippie

    Zooanthid problems

    Thanks for the help everyone. I will give these ideas a try. Cross your fingers for me.
  4. ecohippie

    Zooanthid problems

    How long should I leave them in the fresh water?
  5. ecohippie

    Zooanthid problems

    I forgot to add that they are in a 55 gallon. Also, I have a colony of orange zoos in the tank that are doing great.
  6. ecohippie

    Zooanthid problems

    I received a couple of small rocks full of button polyps about two months ago. They have slowly degraded to the point of not opening up. They have also lost almost all of their color. The water parameters are perfect (SG 1.026, Am 0, Nitrates 0, Nitrites 0). My temperature does fluctuate...
  7. ecohippie

    Strange Hole in Shell

    Do any of you have an idea on how I could get rid of this pest. I have noticed it killing my hermit crabs at a fairly high frequency of late. I am at an end since I have never seen this mystery guest. Thanks in advance for any help. Kev
  8. ecohippie

    Strange Hole in Shell

    Hello all, Today I noticed a hole in a cerith snail shell located above the opening. The hole is about one centimeter in diameter. It appears that something cracked this hole in the top to extract the contents. However, I have no clue as to what could have done it. Maybe a pistol shrimp...
  9. ecohippie

    parabolic reflector vs mirrored reflector

    From my research/ experience, individual parabolic reflectors are the way to go with T5's. The SLR retrofit reflector by Icecap claims to increase the intensity by 300% more than without. I couldn't give any proof to that except that I run 5 54 watt t5's on individual reflectors and the amount...
  10. ecohippie

    T5 users Post pics of your reefs!

    Originally Posted by WangoTango i dont mean to hijack, but now that i actually found some T5 users, what is your opinion of them? good for everything or not? I am very impressed with the T5's. I have not tried keeping any of the species that reportedly only survive under halides. It is hard...
  11. ecohippie

    cleaning an empty tank

    Hi SDS, You definitely have some work cut out for you. Try hot water and white vinegar. Use a razor with a handle (can be found at Home Depot or most any paint stores as window scrapers). I hope you have a lot of time and patience!!! Good luck. K
  12. ecohippie

    can we see some Wrasses

    Here is my red headed fairy wrasse. He is a character! :happyfish
  13. ecohippie

    T5 users Post pics of your reefs!

    Here is a picture of mine. I am running Aquatinics 5 X 54W with individual reflectors.