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  1. kleinn

    What to do with loose trumpet frags?

    Not a bad idea Stanlalee, thanks. The problem is that I have a great spot for them and no good crevice near by, plus I only have a 20H with some softies and I don't want any sting issues. So, how about aquarium sealant instead of toxic super glue? Will that work? Will silicates be an issue if...
  2. kleinn

    What to do with loose trumpet frags?

    I just got two small trumpet frags that are loose/not attached to live rock. If I set them in the tank in a good spot will they grow onto the live rock? I have an emerald crab and a turbo snail that move them around sometimes, so I suppose attaching them to a LR frag would be best? How do I go...
  3. kleinn

    My Zoanthid Collection

    Just got my first zoos a couple days ago (yellow polyps and some boring "brown" ones that glow under my lunars <sweeeeet>). I think I'm a BIG fan of the zoos, especially after seeing your tank!!! Thanks for showing off! NICE!
  4. kleinn

    Info on Tulip Anemones?

    How often should I feed them? I have been feeding them a frozen brine shrimp about every 2 or 3 days, and they are doing fine so far. Any opinions or experience?! :help:
  5. kleinn

    peppermint shrimp

    Mine found a nice hole on the bottom/back of a big live rock chunk and he is ALWAYS in his little hole. Usually you can just see the top of his head, but I've seen him at night swimming around like crazy. I'm glad mine isn't the only one! Barebucta: I was up late one night with the lunars on...
  6. kleinn

    Mushrooms turning to jelly!!!

    Uberlink: the salinity in the other system was aroud 1.020 and mine is 1.024. I'm going to drip all corals from now on! Oh, and they were just red/brown shrooms. Thanks for your sympathy! I just want to figure out if it was just bad luck, or if I messed up. JoshRadio: Yeah, they came on a...
  7. kleinn

    Mushrooms turning to jelly!!!

    Thanks guys. Qreef: no, nothing like that is EVER used in this house. Stanlalee: <20 is the measurment I have because my only test kit right now (dip strip) shows much less color than the 20ppm measurement, but some very light color-so not 0. hagfish, misfit, uberlink: The tank is VERY young, (a...
  8. kleinn

    Mushrooms turning to jelly!!!

    Oh, and they're NOT turning white. It looks like they are just kind of liquifying. One of them has a mucous layer on top of it. They were in a relatively low/moderate-low flow area, but they are getting plenty of light. I just moved them to a higher flow area. Was that a good idea?! Anyone...
  9. kleinn

    Mushrooms turning to jelly!!!

    My red mushrooms are turning into jelly and blowing away one by one! My yellow polyps are doing fine, as are my zoos, sponge, and tulip anemones. I have had them for just over a week with no problems until yesterday when this started. I did a 15% H2O change 5 days ago. I have a Coralife double...
  10. kleinn

    Info on Tulip Anemones?

    Thanks dburr. I'll keep an eye on them! Man do those bad boys look sweeeeet!
  11. kleinn

    Info on Tulip Anemones?

    Yeah, I had never heard of them until my friend gave me a bunch on a frag. She hadn't done a water change on her 75g for over three months and they looked kind of browish under her T5s, but they looked sweet once I threw them in my 20g with lunars and actinics. I want more, but I don't know...
  12. kleinn

    BEST aquarium in the US!

    The best ones I've been to are the Monterey Bay Aquarium in CA (the BEST), followed by Scripps in La Jolla, CA, followed by Shedd in Chicago, followed by Henry Doorly Zoo's aquarium in Omaha Nebraska (the zoo is one of the best in the world with lots of nice bio-tope aquariums spread through...
  13. kleinn

    Info on Tulip Anemones?

    I just got some tulip anemones that came on some coral frags. They're sweet. :cheer: Does anyone know much about these? I couldn't find much online. Are they relatively easy? I know they sometimes like to roam and squat on corals, but that's it. Do they need normal "anemone" light/flow levels...
  14. kleinn

    Help! Evil Diatoms!!!

    Won't notice them? Right now, after about 8 hours I can't even see through them!
  15. kleinn

    Help! Evil Diatoms!!!

    Thanks alyssia. Waiting is always the smart choice I guess (can you tell I'm excited about coral? ) How long before the diatoms go away? Does anyone have any good ref. sources about diatom biology? I understand they need silicates, but what else?
  16. kleinn

    Help! Evil Diatoms!!!

    Thanks. I know that it's possible that the tank hasn't cycled yet, so I should wait I suppose, but I fed the tank a ton of frozen brine shrimp the first two days. Then I added a blue damsel on day three. I just started skimming a few days ago. I didn't start doing water changes until my...
  17. kleinn

    Help! Evil Diatoms!!!

    I clean off this thin layer of brownish-reddish-greenish algae stuff (assuming its diatoms, based on everything I've read) from my tank glass every afternoon, and by afternoon the next day they have covered the glass again. It's a new 20 gallon (21 days old) and I didn't use any tap water to...
  18. kleinn

    too much flow?

    Thanks Fishieness, I'm just planning on shrooms, zoos, colt/tree, maybe some xenia, and some day maybe some frog spawn or another sweet, easy LPS. Wow, thanks Stanlalee, that sounds like a TON of flow. How do you "feel" if there is enough circulation? I'm just observing some of the little algae...
  19. kleinn

    10 gallon gone 20H lots of pictures

    Nice tank! I just set up a 20H, my first SW tank, and I'm getting ready to start fraggin' it out. I just hope it looks as good as yours one of these days!
  20. kleinn

    too much flow?

    I would say the skimmer is a pretty low flow addition because it's new, and the tank is new, so the flow valve is mostly closed to reduce fractation bubbles in the tank (I'm still getting okay skimmate, though it's a little wet). So total, I would say that I have about 350-400gph. The Rio PH is...