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  1. busymom

    fragging help needed....

    I got brave today and figured I would try to move some mushrooms onto a rock in my tank. They were on several sides of that plastic grid (egg crate?) stuff and I thought it was an eye sore. Removing them was pretty scary but they came off fairly easily. I used super glue gel to attach them to...
  2. busymom

    hawkfish questions

    I was looking at several hawkfish at my LFS and wondered what the chances would be for my Coral banded shrimp if I added the hawk... They had a lyre tail hawk, a geometric hawk, or I also wondered about a long nose hawk... Thanks!
  3. busymom

    lots of fish and stuff for sale (breaking down 2 tanks) PHILLY

    Im in the market for lighting. Let me know when you are ready to let it go. Im at
  4. busymom

    odd clown behavior?

    I dont have an anemone, or MH as I am pretty new to all of this. I do intend however to get both when my tank is more established... (oh yeah and when I know more about what the heck I am doing.) Is there a certain type of coral that he would like other than the zenia? He is, well should be...
  5. busymom

    odd clown behavior?

    I was wondering what would cause a fish ( in this case a tomato clown) to constantly hang out behind the lip of a hang on filter where the water is flowing back into the tank. Does it have something to do with the current in the tank. I thought at first that it might be temporary hiding spot...
  6. busymom

    odd fish behavior

    I was wondering what would cause a fish ( in this case a tomato clown) to constantly hang out behind the lip of a hang on filter where the water is flowing back into the tank. Does it have something to do with the current in the tank. I thought at first that it might be temporary hiding spot...
  7. busymom

    move to larger tank; want to add rock

    hey wax, since I have your ear and you have been very helpful to me in the past, can I ask another (maybe silly) question. When I have been reading about swapping tanks none of them mention drip acclimating the old fish with the new tank water that obviously has some new water and some of the...
  8. busymom

    move to larger tank; want to add rock

    Hi, I will be switching from my 29 gal to a 55 gal at some point over the next week. I have been searching/reading lots of the posts about tank swapping etc and I think I understand the basics of it. My question is as follows: I would like to add more rock to the new tank when I set it up...
  9. busymom

    goby in trouble... Need Quick Answer

    The goby is now swimming more, but he is going upward to get air at the waterline. Doesn't that mean that I am not well enough oxiginated? my filter is turning 400 gal per hour, and I can see the current all over the tank. He has yet to eat. hmmm...
  10. busymom

    goby in trouble... Need Quick Answer

    Originally Posted by wax32 My watchman got pounded by my dottyback and damsels/chromis. It took a few days of him hiding, but the other fish eventually forgot about him and he pulled through ok. Short of taking him or the chromis back to the store there isn't really anything to do but wait...
  11. busymom

    goby in trouble... Need Quick Answer

    Its true I do not have a QT tank. Although I have an empty 5 gal that I could pull some of the water out of the main and a pice of rock and get the filter running on it, I have a light for it and I could go get a small heater really quickly..... Yes he is sitting on the branch like piece of LR...
  12. busymom

    goby in trouble... Need Quick Answer

    Looking for advice.....
  13. busymom

    goby in trouble... Need Quick Answer

    He is only about 2 inches from the top waterline of the tank, does that mean anything to anyone??
  14. busymom

    goby in trouble... Need Quick Answer

    New development, the LFS where I got him is closed on Mondays, so there is noone there I can talk to... He has moved himself back into the crack between a rock and the glass.
  15. busymom

    goby in trouble... Need Quick Answer

    I have a 29 gal with 25 lb of live rock. I run a skilter 400. I am at Amm - 0 Nitrites - 0 Nitrates - .125 PH - 8.2 SG - 1. 025 temp - 78 Alk - was a little low, added builder over the weekend, have not tested again since. These test results were confirmed by my LFS on Sat I have a lyre tail...
  16. busymom

    Skilter 250

    Glad I found this thread today, I have a skilter 400 and am doing the air stone trick but I am still not getting funkiness in my collection. I have fiddled with it and cant seem to get it to reach the cup. (you are right tho it did cut down on the bubbles, and I added the sponge too) I tried...
  17. busymom

    Metal Hallide Lights???

    Sorry to jump into your thread here, but I have the same question. So if she gets the 175 pendants is that all the lighting she needs? and can she put pretty much anything in there?
  18. busymom

    coral lighting

    I will do that today thanks!
  19. busymom

    pod question

    Im sorry to BUMP this but I posted it late and was in the hopes that someone/anyone would have info for me??? :help:
  20. busymom

    coral lighting

    OK, I will admit, I have already figured out how I can put a five foot long tank in the wall/cabinetry in my living room. Thought I prolly should master the 29 gal for a few years first. But my theory was that I could just buy a second set of whatever I get for the 29 and reuse the first...