Search results

  1. chachi

    Purple Carpet/Blanket type Mossy Growth ??

    Googled both of your suggestions and was able to get what I needed. Thanks much!
  2. chachi

    Purple Carpet/Blanket type Mossy Growth ??

    Hi All ~ Over the last few months my tank has begun to get a purple carpet/blanket type mossy growth growing on the LR and in the sand. I remove it during water changes but it grows back within a week. Same thing with a green fuzzy moss type growth on the LR. Any suggestions or comments...
  3. chachi

    wierd spongy q-tip looking growth ??

    will do :) Thanks for the info. I am glad they are not harmful to the tank!
  4. chachi

    Will long tentacle anemone move itself?

    Our experience is that yes, the anenome will move to where it is most comfortable. We took over an established tank and the anenome it came with remained in the same spot for months. We added a rock anenome however and that little guy moves all over the place. Now both of them move around...
  5. chachi

    wierd spongy q-tip looking growth ??

    I found a few pics and they definitely appear to be sycon sponges. Thanks for the info :) Any ideas/suggestions on how to get rid of or them? Or at the very least, stunt the reproduction? I like them, but not enough to let them become a primary attraction.
  6. chachi

    wierd spongy q-tip looking growth ??

    :help: Our tank has been growing these weird spongy, white, q-tip looking growths on the lr. I wasn't too concerned when there were just a couple/few, but they seem to be popping up pretty consistently all over the tank now. The largest one was about 1/2 inch in length so far. I haven't been...
  7. chachi

    More Algea than usual

    My level are good, direct sunlight for about an hour, lights on 10 a.m.-9p.m., and filtered water. Thanks
  8. chachi

    More Algea than usual

    I have noticed more green algea or growtn on live rock lately. The fish are doing well and so are the inverts. Should I add anything or make more frequent changes. I am changing water on my 55 gallon about 5 gallons per week or so. thanks
  9. chachi

    the life and times of a feather duster...

    Hey All ~ Purchased an establised tank three weeks ago and all has been smooth sailing. Tonight we learned that there are feather dusters in the LR! They must have thrown their crowns before/during the move? Now that we have learned of our newest additions I am wondering about some other...
  10. chachi

    quarantine tanks??

    OK- We have gotten some amazing info and are greatful for it Many Thanks! But what is up with quarantine tanks? Is this a complete tank just sitting, waiting for things to go bad? Can we get by on just a five gallon with a heater or are we looking at another complete set up?
  11. chachi

    Moving a tank

    Getting ready to move a tank to my place and had a question.I have heard alot from others about moving the water in gallon rubbermainds , putting the live rick in buckets, fish in sealed containers ect. Do I need to take all the sand out of the tank or can I move it with sand in it . Any input...
  12. chachi

    Cleaning Crews

    Thanks for all the input, I can't wait to get my tank.
  13. chachi

    Cleaning Crews

    I have 3 clowns, 1 gobie, 2 stars, 1 tang, 1 damsel, 1 butterfly. Some others may be included but I'm not sure what other suprizes are still coming with the tank. I am getting it from a friend who has to let it go.
  14. chachi

    Cleaning Crews

    I have fish, live rock, and live sand. About how long to wait intil I get my cleaning crew.
  15. chachi

    Cleaning Crews

    I am looking for some input on the right cleaning crew for a 55 gallon tank. I am buying a tank already established but needs some cleaners. What would you recommend and how many of each. tanks
  16. chachi


    I am geting the tank with everything in it. I will continue to get more info from them before my purchase. tnaks.
  17. chachi


    thanks. I heard about the site through my friend who is selling me the tank. I hope to learn more and more as I go. Chachi
  18. chachi


    I am in the process of buying a 55 gallon tank from a friend. The tank is already set with live rock, sand and fish, along with all the pumps ect. I am overwhlemed with all the new information yet am very excited to get this tank. Can anyone give me some specifics on water to salt ratios on...
  19. chachi

    keeping it clean

    How much water for weekly water changes?.
  20. chachi

    keeping it clean

    what are the best options for keeping my tank clean.