Search results

  1. brikhouz44

    Will moving LR survive?

    What would re-curing it involve? Thanks for the help, and I'll definitely have the water checked.
  2. brikhouz44

    Will moving LR survive?

    I recently moved, and had to transport 65 lbs of LR. Unfortunately, I've had to put the live rock in a cooler of salt water and keep a power head in the cooler moving the water over it. It has been in this cooler with the power head for about 2 months. My question is, is it possible that...
  3. brikhouz44

    Flame Angel - mouth issue

    They've grown very, very slightly. Not much at all. I've had the fish for 3 months or so. He has always been very healthy and not stressed out. If anything, he is the leader of the tank - never been chased at all. Water parameters are good. 75g fowlr - 1 year old Stock list: 70 lbs live...
  4. brikhouz44

    Flame Angel - mouth issue

    I have a flame angel that has a strange growth on each side of its mouth. He isn't acting strange or uncomfortable at all, but I'm curious if anyone has seen anything like this before. I'm unable to get a picture, but I'll try to describe the growths as best as possible. They kind of look like...
  5. brikhouz44


    Forgot - also have 2 cleaner shrimp, and tank has been running for 8 months.
  6. brikhouz44


    I've got a 75g fowlr - current inhabitants = 1 perc, 1 midas blenny, 1 flame angel, 1 bluespot puffer. I've searched all threads concerning pods, but haven't found an answer to my questions. 1. First of all, the only things that resemble pods that I can see are in my sump. They are definitely...
  7. brikhouz44

    Wrasse Choice?

    Sorry for the delayed response. I have a fowlr - no future plans for coral. Current inhabitants are: 1 perc 1 Flame angel 1 Midas Blenny 1 Blue spot puffer Future inhabitant plans are 2-3 more colorful, active, hearty fish. Thanks for all of the wrasse choices.
  8. brikhouz44

    Wrasse Choice?

    Rooster Fairy Wrasse - how big is it going to get? 3-4 inches?
  9. brikhouz44

    Wrasse Choice?

    75g fowlr - would like to add a COLORFUL, HEARTY, VERY ACTIVE WRASSE. I know the lunar wrasse gets very large. Are there any wrasses that fit my description that don't get huge like the lunar? Thanks for help.
  10. brikhouz44

    Suggestions: Additions to 75G

    I guess I'm a little timid on the Tangs. I've had a yellow tang that turned out to be a bully, and a hippo tang that continued to get sick. I had to get rid of both in the past. As far as the wrasses are concerned, are there any colorful ones that stay a reasonable size? I like the lunar...
  11. brikhouz44

    Suggestions: Additions to 75G

    75G Fish Only Live Rock. Current stock: 1 Perc. 1 Flame Angel 1 Hawaiin Blue Puffer 1 Midas Blenny 2 Cleaner Shrimp (I know, the puffer doesn't eat them - I don't know why, but it's great) I'd like to add something that is: Colorful, hearty, active Any favorites? Suggestions very welcome. Thanks.
  12. brikhouz44

    Flame Angel tail is dissappearing?

    Eventually a Valentini Puffer OK?
  13. brikhouz44

    Flame Angel tail is dissappearing?

    Also, if I'm able to correct this problem, will the tail of my flame angel regenerate or am I stuck with a tail-less flame?
  14. brikhouz44

    Flame Angel tail is dissappearing?

    I'm going to have to get the exact reading from my LFS. They measure my levels weekly. I don't know the exact numbers, but they said that my levels were perfect last Friday. Beth, after watching closely, it appears that the yellow tang may be hasseling the flame a bit. Perhaps he's nipping...
  15. brikhouz44

    Flame Angel tail is dissappearing?

    75G FOWLR - water levels are all very good. Salinity is at 1.019. Stocked with: 1 Flame Angel 1 Small Hippo 1 Yellow Tang 2 Small Clowns 12 Hermits 12 Snails 2 Cleaner Shrimp 70 lbs of LR - Tank is about 8 months old. I've had recent small outbreaks of ich. The flame angel and hippo have had...
  16. brikhouz44

    Fish rescued

    I guess it's time to rig up something. The netting idea may work. I think I'll have to cover the area next to the overflow to prevent it. Hopefully I'll avoid an untimely death. Thanks for the feedback.
  17. brikhouz44

    Fish rescued

    I guess no suggestions to protect this from happening?
  18. brikhouz44

    Fish rescued

    Just thought I'd share a recent rescue story. I noticed yesterday that I was missing one of my paired clown fish. Looked all over the tank. Began to worry. Then, just by chance glanced in the black sump filter with a flash light and saw a reflection. After further review, my clown had made...
  19. brikhouz44

    Missing Fire Shrimp

    Checked under the rocks. No shrimp. I do have an open top, but nothing is on the floor, unless he would have crawled away? I'm very confused.
  20. brikhouz44

    Missing Fire Shrimp

    I'm going to have my levels checked tomorrow, but I've never had trouble with any levels. I have no other inverts, just the fish listed. I also don't have enough live rock for him to be totally out of sight. There are no more hiding places. He's just gone. I think something had to eat him.