Search results

  1. brikhouz44

    Missing Fire Shrimp

    Am I crazy? I had a fire shrimp for 6 months. Always stayed hidden, but came out when food was available. Other fish include - Yellow Tang, small Hippo, coral beauty, 2 percs. Would any of them have eaten my shrimp? I've looked everywhere, and there is no sign of him anywhere. Would any of...
  2. brikhouz44

    Fish eat fish poop?

    My coral beauty is eating my yellow tangs rather large bowel movements. Someone want to explain what's going on here? Anyone had this happen before, or do I just have a special fish (or sick fish)?
  3. brikhouz44

    How often should shrimp moult?

    My blood shrimp has molted twice in a month. Once right when I put him in, and once again during the month. It is very normal for a shrimp to molt when they are introduced to new surroundings. No worries.
  4. brikhouz44

    Feeding Frozen Mysis Shrimp

    Well, that solved that problem. The hippo and beauty are killing those things. Thank you for the help. The coral beauty will occasionally take a piece in and then spit it out, but I'm assuming that's just a picky fish? Thanks again.
  5. brikhouz44

    Feeding Frozen Mysis Shrimp

    OK, I have a stupid question. But I'm new, and I once heard that there is no such thing as a stupid question. I have a new Coral beauty and Hippo. I already have a yellow tang, 2 clowns, and a fire shrimp that eat flakes and seaweed selects great. My new coral beauty and Hippo are very...
  6. brikhouz44

    Aptasia issue

    I have a fire shrimp in there that hasn't touched them. He's only been in the tank 1 week and stays hidden most of the time, but is there any chance of him coming out and eating them, or is it just a peppermint shrimp delicacy?
  7. brikhouz44

    Aptasia issue

    I recently added 30 more lbs of live rock to my 75 gallon FOWLR tank. After researching other threads on this site, I can tell that I have an outbreak of aptasia. I have 2 bigger stalks, and I can see other little ones beginning to pop up that look much like the bigger 2. Many people say on...
  8. brikhouz44

    need help identifying hitch hiker

    I recently bought some LR from the lfs, and it has a similar looking structure growing on it. However, mine is much lighter in color - almost milky white. Can Aptasia be that color as well, or could I perhaps have a feather duster on there? To me, they look very similar. Curious?
  9. brikhouz44

    Yellow Tang strange behavior

    I have a 2 month old 75g FOWLR. Up until last week, had 25lbs of LR, 2 Ocellaris Clowns, 1 Yellow tang. Tang and Clowns had great personality - swam all over and would come right up to glass to see me. Last week, I added 20 more lbs of LR and a Fire Shrimp. I added the new LR and moved the...
  10. brikhouz44

    General feeding question

    I have a 75g FOWLR with 2 percs (1 inch each) and 1 yellow tang (small). As far as feeding them, the LFS gave me some flakes for the percs and said to put in a pinch of it 1 time per day. For the tang he gave me dried seaweed and said to put in about 2 squarie inches 1 time per day. Is this...
  11. brikhouz44

    Stockinh new 75 gallon looking for opinions.

    I like your first list for your 75g. As far as cleaner shrimp are concerned, does anyone know at what point you would add him to the collection? Early or late?
  12. brikhouz44

    75g Fish order of entry?

    Also, if a Tang is definitely not going to fit in a 75g, could I replace that idea with some sort of Angel or Butterfly? I want as much color as possible, but also must have them get along. Any suggestions there. Thanks.
  13. brikhouz44

    75g Fish order of entry?

    Thanks for the suggestion. I know triggers can be fairly aggressive, but I've read that Picasso's are the least aggressive of the triggers. Am I OK to put the Picasso with your suggestions? I just really like the look of it and would love to have one.
  14. brikhouz44

    75g Fish order of entry?

    FOWLR Fish order of entry? [hr] I have a FOWLR 75 g tank that has cycled for 4 weeks - I have about 45 lbs of live rock to allow room for swimming. Readings are good and I'm ready to introduce fish. Here is my wish list. 2 Perc Clowns 1 Powder Blue or Regal or Naso Tang (any suggestions on...
  15. brikhouz44

    FOWLR Fish order of entry?

    I have a brand new FOWLR 75g with about 45lbs of LR that has cycled for 4 weeks with good water levels. I'm ready to add fish, but needed advice on order of introduction. 2 Perc Clowns 1 Powder Blue or Regal Tang 1 Porcupine Puffer 1 Picasso Trigger 1. Is this list OK for 75g FOWLR (Are they...
  16. brikhouz44

    FOWLR Fish order of entry?

    I have a FOWLR 75 g tank that has cycled for 4 weeks - I have about 45 lbs of live rock to allow room for swimming. Readings are good and I'm ready to introduce fish. Here is my wish list. 2 Perc Clowns 1 Powder Blue or Regal Tang 1 Porcupine Puffer 1 Picasso Trigger Wanted to know: 1...
  17. brikhouz44

    stock list for a 75

    OK, if I cut my list for my 75 FOWLR to: 2 Perc Clowns 1 Powder Blue Tang 1 Porcupine Puffer 1 Picasso Trigger What order should I introduce them, and how much time in between each introduction? Thanks for any input.
  18. brikhouz44

    stock list for a 75

    I'm in the same boat with a new 75 FO/LR currently cycling. Here's what I'm thinking about adding. Any advice is welcome. I'll of course add these one at a time and slowly over time, but here are the fish I like: 2 Percula Clowns 1 Powder Blue Tang 1 Porcupine Puffer 1 Saddleback Butterfly 1...
  19. brikhouz44

    Is Live Rock Necessary for FO tank?

    Thank you for the feedback. It sounds like I should get some LR for the start. I plan on putting together a 65 gallon reasonably nice tank for my kids that includes clown / puffer / angel / etc - possibly some inverts down the line. Any suggestions on the type of LR to get for this group of...
  20. brikhouz44

    Is Live Rock Necessary for FO tank?

    I'm a beginner, and I continue to hear differring opinions on live rock from different fish stores. Some tell me that live rock is a necessity, but others say that I should just cycle the tank using damsels and live sand, and that ultimately live rock is not necessary for a healthy FO saltwater...