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  1. clownfish0

    PC's VHO's MH's T5's ?????

    Originally Posted by oceana i hope you realize how closeminded this statment is. you could have said the same thing about MH around 6 years ago. over seas EVERYONE uses t5. its just building here in the US soon i predict PC will be as popular as NO lighting NO lighting is just cheap. It is...
  2. clownfish0

    swimming anemone?

    Originally Posted by Bronco300 here is another pic of the crazy thing...they moved a little gonna see if they swim, take some pics...and put them in something, so if someone wants them tell me now because i dont want them moving around in my tank and getting out of hand on me,lol. that...
  3. clownfish0

    good fish for detritus

    Originally Posted by promisetbg Get a turkey baster from the store{they are only a few dollars} use this for your tank only.You can use this to blow off your rocks.If you continue to do this over time..there will be very little sediment left on the rocks. It's good to do this periodically...
  4. clownfish0

    Trapping a Snowflake!

    almost like a snake
  5. clownfish0

    I promise you will find this very interesting

    Originally Posted by DME The green wolf eel that most people get is the Congrogadus subducens which grows a max of 18" and the wolf species which you see in the video is the Anarrhichthys ocellatus, and grows a max of 8' I figured that wasn't the ones we see in the pet store
  6. clownfish0

    PC's VHO's MH's T5's ?????

    Originally Posted by Adamc1303 Ok it's going to be T5's what about the bulb set up how should I do it, bare in mind I still have the old fixture to use too. How would I add a reflector to something like this is it possible? is that from dr. fostersmith
  7. clownfish0

    good fish for detritus

    Originally Posted by promisetbg No..they will just add to the problem. Consider carefully siphoning the surface of the substrate as you do water changes. Are you sure it is'nt diatoms?{ a brown dusting on everything} or cyanobacteria{ reddish and slimy..clumps together..disappears at night and...
  8. clownfish0

    PC's VHO's MH's T5's ?????

    Originally Posted by Adamc1303 What about VHO's do they get hot. I can't seem to relly see any fixtures for them on the market. Do you just mount a reflector to a canopy and them put in the end caps and plug them into a ballast or do I have it all wrong? There is really no fixtures for VHO. YOu...
  9. clownfish0

    I promise you will find this very interesting

    Originally Posted by rara12 i didnt know they got that big. it didn't even look like an eel at first.
  10. clownfish0

    PC's VHO's MH's T5's ?????

    Originally Posted by oceana i dont have the numbers in front of me right this min but t5 give out quite a bit more light then PC I know t5 is not as popular as PC's so I would go with PC's because there is a reason for PC being more popular.
  11. clownfish0

    favorite ammusement park

    Originally Posted by socal57che I vote for the original because it's the best that I've been to, but I really haven't been to very many. Disneyland. i live like 15 minutes away from disneyland, universal and sea world. I would have to pick seaworld since it has to do with stuff i like and it is...
  12. clownfish0

    PC's VHO's MH's T5's ?????

    PC' are really intense since they are so compact
  13. clownfish0

    swimming anemone?

    Originally Posted by Thomas712 Boloceroides mcmurrich or Boloceroides mcmurrichii. sorry don't know much about them, but if my anemones swam then they wouldn't be in the tank with my fish and corals. If you want to send them to me I'll study them in my 55 gallon fuge. Thomas dare devil.
  14. clownfish0

    clowns in a 75

    clowns are cool
  15. clownfish0

    I promise you will find this very interesting

    Originally Posted by DME I not know how long I had this video but I am sure you will enjoy it and do watch it through and I will not say what it is or anything, so watch the video and then post your comments on it Wow that was sweet. I...
  16. clownfish0

    clowns in a 75

    Originally Posted by clown123 yea and percs 130 dollar maroons...really?
  17. clownfish0

    good fish for detritus

    Originally Posted by alyssia If I get a diamond goby and pistol shrimp, will hte pistol shrimp bother my peppermint/cleaner shrimp? sorry to hijack.. lol. your a terrorist. :joy: he shouldn't bother your peppermint shrimp. But make sure your peppermint isn't to small
  18. clownfish0

    clowns in a 75

    Originally Posted by clown123 NOPEEEE! :joy: my other 2babies my percs! there in LOVE! :hilarious i guess my tone of voice didn't stand out. I thought you had 130 dollar maroons? :thinking:
  19. clownfish0

    algae problems

    Originally Posted by clownfish0 what kind of lighting is that? Jebo? bump
  20. clownfish0

    How to get rid of dark green algae?

    Originally Posted by alyssia They will get rid of bubble algae but I'm not sure about the other types. Hopefully someone else will help with that. :joy: Thanks so far. I will probably eventually get an emerald crab. They are so cool looking.