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  1. nickp123

    white smoke??

    stomatella snail (spelling?) there are some pics on here...
  2. nickp123

    white smoke??

    btw I can clearly see two antennae(sp)
  3. nickp123

    white smoke??

    not sure but it looks solid almost like a snail without a shell
  4. nickp123

    white smoke??

    I just happened to look into my tank and there is some lil animal on the live rock that is pulsing and spitting/blowing out what looks like white smoke? anyone know what that might be??
  5. nickp123

    nano cube protein skimmer?

    I guess I should've expected that it was pretty cheap but I guess we'll see...
  6. nickp123

    nano cube protein skimmer?

    has anyone used the current fission nano protein skimmer? I just ordered one this morning and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with it?
  7. nickp123

    clownfish id??

    halo frk what's your gamertag? mine's spike12381. maybe I'll see you in halo 2
  8. nickp123

    clownfish id??

    I was just wondering. he's beat up a maroon clown and in the store he was beating up a tank raised perc. I guess he's gone stay lonely then...
  9. nickp123

    clownfish id??

    what type of clown is this? I was told that is was a wild caught percula. I can't find anything else that looks like it. the middle stripe doesn't connect. it is probably one of the most active clowns I've ever seen and the color is amazing. check the pics and let me know. in advance sorry...
  10. nickp123

    maroon & percula

    I put it in my 55g. that tank only has an adult lemonpeel & an adult diamond spotted goby. The goby went right after the gsm so I pulled him out and put him in my 20g until he gets bigger and can fend for himself. the gsm is swimmin around happily in the 20g
  11. nickp123

    maroon & percula

    they're still doin ok but I'm just gonna take the gsm home and put it in my 55
  12. nickp123

    maroon & percula

    I currently have a 12g nano cube set up at my office. the stock list is: 1 wild caught percula about an inch 1 yellow clown goby and please don't flame it's only temporary 1 yellow striped maroon also about an inch the maroon has been in the tank for over an hour and they seem fine. the perc...
  13. nickp123

    live rock in sump?

    would it help my tank better to make the sump a refugium? or should I just leave it as is?
  14. nickp123

    Biggest tank in a Apartment ?

    one of my friends has a 90 with a 20 gallon sump in a 2nd floor apartment and I swear that it's sinkin into the floor but he refuses to believe it.
  15. nickp123

    live rock in sump?

    nope, should it be? I realize I should have done a bit more research into this but I listened to one of my friends.
  16. nickp123

    live rock in sump?

    I guess by that I'm overfiltering. This tank has been up for almost 2 years with no problems till I added the sump. I have plenty of water movement. As far as the skimmer I'm runnin an Aqua C Remora. I had been running a fluval 304 canister filter which was disconnected after the sump was...
  17. nickp123

    live rock in sump?

    mainly because my nitrates have been off the charts for over a month and are not going down. from what I've read and been told bioballs are just a nitrate trap. am I being lied to? should I remove the sponges I have in the sump? any help would be appreciated I just want my tank back in order.
  18. nickp123

    live rock in sump?

    I have just a quick question I currently have a 55 gallon reef tank with a 29 gallon sump. Currently the sump has bioballs and some filter sponges in it. I would like to just fill it with live rock but I'm not sure how much rock to use. Any info would be appreciated.
  19. nickp123


    the problem seemed to be the length of the hose between the o/f box & the sump itself. I cut the hose and it seems fine. we'll see what happens when I get home.
  20. nickp123


    already did that