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  1. bull7dog

    Help with protien skimmer

    ok, figures i have to buy a new one then. do i just replace the pump on it? the skimmer as whole looks good. it says Pro Clear Aquatic on the skimmer cup.
  2. bull7dog

    Help with protien skimmer

    I purchased a used 90 gal tank with sump and protien skimmer about a year ago. Everything has been going fine until recently, the skimmer wont work. When I plug it into any outlet, it trips the circuit breaker. has this ever happened to anybody? do i just need a new skimmer? thanks
  3. bull7dog

    Do Xenia eat Zoos?

    Any suggestions how to cut them off? And will they grow back if i just cut them from the base, leaving the little bit thats stuck to the rock?
  4. bull7dog

    What do you mean by clean it with Vinegar?

    I always clean my skimmer with salt water from the sump. dont see why you need to whip out the vinegar - does it get it any cleaner? I clean my skimmer once a week anyway...
  5. bull7dog

    Do Xenia eat Zoos?

    My pulsing Xenia are taking over my tank and starting to grow on a rock where I have a buch of zoos that I really like. If I let the Xenia's do their thing, will they eat/kill/destroy the zoos? Should I cut them back or will the zoos move on their own, away from the Xenia?
  6. bull7dog

    Green "stuff" on live rock...

    I'd say prob too much lighting as well. I had a lot of green agae on my LR. I backed the lights off and now I have none on the LR. Always have green powdery alage on the glass if i dont use the magnet every other day. U might want to try getting a blennie too...they eat the algae off the rocks.
  7. bull7dog

    Testing Chemistry - How Often?

    Thanks. Any thoughts on Hagen test kits, bad, good, average? My LFS guy told me the Phospate test on this one was not accurate.
  8. bull7dog

    Testing Chemistry - How Often?

    I've had my 90 gal tank for about 8 months now. During the first 3 months or so, I tested my chemistry religously a few times a week. I bought the tank used and fully set up with live rock etc, so I never had to go thru a cycle. Over the past 5 months, I've tested my chemistry and nothing ever...
  9. bull7dog

    Pulsing Xenias for Trade in S. Fla

    just the Xenias for now, they're spreading like crazy. Im in Wellington, off 441.
  10. bull7dog

    Pulsing Xenias for Trade in S. Fla

    I still have plenty of Xenias for trade in the S. Florida area (not shipping them). reefman, i just sent you an email to your personal addy.
  11. bull7dog

    Aggressive Clown needs mate?

    anyone successfully kept different species of clowns together?
  12. bull7dog

    Aggressive Clown needs mate?

    any thoughts on type? tomato, clarki, another percula? or does it not matter?
  13. bull7dog

    Aggressive Clown needs mate?

    Background: I had a pair of percula clowns for about 6 months - they did fine together, one got bigger than the other as I've read is normal. The bigger one started to be really aggressive to the smaller one for a while, to the point where for days the smaller clown would not come out from...
  14. bull7dog

    S. Fla coral exchange

    whats FMAS? wheres the meeting?
  15. bull7dog

    S. Fla coral exchange

    do you work at reeflovers? email me at my personal address if your interested in trading or buying the Xenias from me.
  16. bull7dog

    blenny and goby question

    yes becareful what other fish you introduce while you have the blenny. i got a small blue tang (the dory fish), and with in 2 days the blenny took a bunch of bites out of it. i rearranged the rocks after the 1st day, but that didnt stop the blenny's aggressive behaviour. i ended up having to...
  17. bull7dog

    bicolor blenny

    same with mine. he'll chomp the algae off the glass and rock. never eats any food i put in the tank for other fish. i have seen him occassionally take a bite out of a nori sheet that i put on a clip for the yellow tang.
  18. bull7dog

    S. Fla coral exchange

    Next to the Lowes on 441 and Southern. Email me at if you want to work something out this weekend.
  19. bull7dog

    Missing Starfish - help !

    I've had a sm red starfish for about 6 months now. For the past 2-3 weeks its been missing. Typically, i'd see the starfish making his daily treck across the glass. It wasnt unusual that I didnt see it for a day or two, but it is def unusual i havent seen it in weeks. Should I start rearranging...
  20. bull7dog

    S. Fla coral exchange

    I live in Wellington and work in Boca. I have a large colony of pulsing Xenia that im interesting in trading. Its attached to a small piece of rock, so i'd just remove the rock. urodude - interested in your coral for trade? did the coral exchange ever happen?