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  1. lemonpeel2

    OMG CLOSE ONE mabey alittle to close

    Not be a smart {edit}or anything, but its offend not affend. Hope your eel does well after his encounter.
  2. lemonpeel2

    A couple pics of my 55

    Not to be party pooper, but has anyone noticed the Sailfin and the Naso. Those fish do not belong in anything under 120 gallons. Tank looks nice though.
  3. lemonpeel2

    My new zoos!

    Nice zoos.........but no offense you got ripped off. The aptasia is nuisance in the tank. They can seriously damage other corals in the tank. And the fact that the LFS sold them to you for $20 is just so infuriating. But the zooos you bought are sweet
  4. lemonpeel2

    Snowflake Eel Jaw Dislocated

    Originally Posted by Beth I'm wondering if this fish dislocates its jaw to eat..? You mean how snakes do, when its about to eat a big meal. Hmmmm interesting thought.
  5. lemonpeel2

    Pics of new 150, with fish

    Only a week? Wow that was quick I would still test the water everyday. Just incase it tricked you.
  6. lemonpeel2

    Pics of new 150, with fish

    Awesome tank man. Is it still cycling?
  7. lemonpeel2

    Hitchhiker ID...its bad

    Can't those things kill you? I was reading a thread on here, about like two years. Where ones of those things sent a guy to the hospital.
  8. lemonpeel2

    finally caught my damsel

    Um why did you flush him down the toliet. I hope your not being serious.
  9. lemonpeel2

    Thomas....take a look...

    I mean u do have enough wattage, What are the dimensions of your tank? If its below 24" in height and width, then you should be ok. Just make sure your anemone is getting high intensity light. Light from PC lighting tends to get weak as it starts to go the bottom of your tank. But I mean your...
  10. lemonpeel2

    6 Month Old Tank Pictures

    Originally Posted by flpriest Why would he need to get the hippo tang out? Because of the size it will get? The reason I'm asking is, I'm getting one and my tank size is 75 gal. ***) By he way bluhippo.. very nice looking tank! A hippo for a 75 gallon tank is perfectly fine with the right...
  11. lemonpeel2

    4month old 180 gallon SPS pics

    Depends on your inhabitants already in the tank. I mean i have 3 in my 40 gallon reef, with a clarkii and lemonpeel angel. All my water params are perfect except my nitrates which sometimes go up to like 3 - 4ppm. Those are green/blue chromis they look more blue because how the light is hitting...
  12. lemonpeel2

    Ocellaris or Percula

    Those are both ocellaris you can tell by the eyes. But im sure you dont mind because u had them so long and grown so attached to them. I just hate when the LFS gives you bogus information. I mean if you sell the product make sure you know about it and what it is, I mean thats only fair...
  13. lemonpeel2

    updated shots of my 75 gallon reef tank

    Hey man sweet tank, is that the exo-skeleton of a clam? Did the clam die previously or did u just buy the shell?
  14. lemonpeel2

    Ocellaris or Percula

    The eyes match that of a True Percula, but he doesn't have the thick black around the stripes like the Percula does. And the picture is too blurry for me to count his dorsal fin spines. If you can get a clearer picture I can tell u.
  15. lemonpeel2

    Clown fighting?

    Yes but you said that they have to be significantly different in size for two to become a mated pair. You were saying it as a necessity.......not an aid. Joe C.
  16. lemonpeel2

    Clown fighting?

    Well if they are not a mated pair yet. Then you have to make them one by putting them together. If you dont put them together at once, then your defeating the purpose of making them a pair. And for them to be a pair, they dont HAVE to be that much different in just helps out the...
  17. lemonpeel2

    mushroom question

    Yea the process is called "budding". Where a little shroom starts to grow from the base and eventually move off it. The shroom doesn't need to have two mouths to be fragged as long as u get a piece of the mouth and base u should be absolutely fine.
  18. lemonpeel2

    My 12 gallon nano reef

    lol nice lion crazz, anyways gorgeous nano, simply breathtaking, awesome job.
  19. lemonpeel2

    Help!! On my Shroom

    Um y is ur ammonia at .25 it should be at zero and ur purple shrooms arent reacting as fast to the 40-50 ppm nitrate level because they are more hardier, but eventually with time they will die off. for a reef u should really keep them below 5 ppm. 40-50 ppm nitate is even bad for fish. You...
  20. lemonpeel2

    Help!! On my Shroom

    Can You give me a water params list. Thank u