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  1. dma57

    Anyone from the Chicago area

    I'm in the northwest suburbs and the best place to go around here is Oceans Floor located in Lake in the hills. They have a website. They've got the most amazing selection of corals I've ever seen and there's thousands to pick from. He's very picky about his corals and he's also very reasonable.
  2. dma57

    Halide not working....

    Thanks, that makes me feel better.
  3. dma57

    Halide not working....

    How long will corals survive without the halide lighting? My ballast burned out last night and they are sending me a new one which won't arrive till Saturday.
  4. dma57

    Instant Ocean

    I had the same problem until I was told to switch salt brands and try Coralife. Wa more calcium problems. I've heard from quite a few people who've had low cal levels with Instant Ocean. A lot of people use it with no problems so maybe I got a bad happens!
  5. dma57


    Originally Posted by D-Monic Actually i have a canopy,with a retrofit in it,but theres nothing covering the bare tank inside :( heres what it looks like!: Is eggcrate kinda like fence-looking material,im not exactly sure what is is o.o! But ill go up to lowes! My cats dont really bug the...
  6. dma57


    Originally Posted by alyssia Do you really have a sphynx? Yes, I have two of them.
  7. dma57


    That's why I have hairless cats. No worry's! Did you try skimming through the water with a net and see if that can relieve some of the problem...............just a thought.
  8. dma57

    Can I Add More Nemos???!!!!

    Well it seems IRule got everyone stirred up for nothing. I think Alyssia was right........troll! Check out his other posts on different forums............sure doesn't sound like kid to me.
  9. dma57

    The Official Random Thread, Click here, You Know You Want To

    Originally Posted by chickadee lmao! but, wouldn't the cannibal eating a clown be a clown? :thinking: not if he was from out of town.........
  10. dma57

    The Official Random Thread, Click here, You Know You Want To

    Why don't cannibals eat clowns????????? ...............cause they taste funny
  11. dma57

    whats your favorite salt?

    I switched to calcium level was always too low when I was using Instant Ocean.
  12. dma57

    feeding a pink and blue watchman help me

    Mine eats mysis, flake, pellet and a mixture I put together of shrimp, clams, scallops, octopus and garlic. So he pretty much eats anything that I put in the tank.
  13. dma57

    Can I have a goby with a newer tank?

    I don't have a cover on my tank but my goby never swims around. He always sits right in front of the cave opening guarding the entrance. He won't even venture too far for food, I have to make sure I get the food close to him. He won't even move away when the shrimp crawls right over or under...
  14. dma57


    That's why I wear the bag on my head! :hilarious
  15. dma57

    Can I have a goby with a newer tank?

    I have a pink and blue goby with a tiger shrimp that I got from here about 2 weeks ago. They paired up within minutes and there isn't a place in my sand that these two haven't dug up. My sand bed used to be pretty flat and boring, now I have rolling hills everywhere. There is a whole...
  16. dma57

    pros or cons to a corner tank

    I have a 54 corner and I love it. One draw back is that it is not drilled so I am running 2 cascade 1200 canisters on it and my water quality is perfect. As for lighting I have a 24 inch Aqualight Pro w/250 MH that I hangs from the ceiling right over the center about 8 inches above the water...
  17. dma57

    QT dilemma

    I appreciate the advice I think I'll go get a fish today.
  18. dma57

    QT dilemma

    It's a Marine Reef kit, I'm not sure of the brand I think it's Red Sea. So your saying that's ok for a nitrate level? I thought it should be lower since my main tank is 0.
  19. dma57

    QT dilemma

    I currently have a 20 gal QT with a HOB Tetra Whisper with carbon and filter pad and nothing in the tank but some pieces of PVC. I have had it running for over 2 months and have never had anything in it. My problem is that I can't get the the tank to stabilize so I can add new incoming fish to...
  20. dma57

    Urgent help

    Now there's some long stringy pieces about 3 inches long stretching out from the mouth.