Search results

  1. bigjimintp

    moving a pulsing xenia

    pulsing does fine it is very tough attach it to a little piece of pvc pipe and then stuff the pipe with styrofoam and float it upside down
  2. bigjimintp

    white stringy things growing on the glass

    no not a feather duster , looks like alvalfia sprout
  3. bigjimintp

    white stringy things growing on the glass

    what are these t hings
  4. bigjimintp

    guess what i am "help"

    ok i have these white stringy things growing from my glass , what are they , i have no clue , they just started growing , i just started using iodine and i think calcium , what are these ?
  5. bigjimintp

    complete 150gal saltwater tank for sell (FL)

    im in tampa can you send pic to, or cell is 7275122665 also what kind of lights do you have on this
  6. bigjimintp

    FOR SALE: lr,corals,fish and pc light system!!

    did you sell the mushrooms yet if so whats left
  7. bigjimintp

    pc lighting question

    i have 3 pc lights 1 65watt and 2 55 watt this gives me 4.6 watts per gallon should i run 50/50 in all of them or how should i arrange it the 65 is on 1 switch and the 2x55watt is on another iwas thinking that i should put the one 65 actinic to run all the time then the other 2x55 on 50/50 to...
  8. bigjimintp


    do you have any pics of the canopy , and would you be willing to ship im in tampa 33612
  9. bigjimintp

    thoughts on adding more 2 more pc to an eclipse hood

    i have a coral beauty angel , and a algie blennie and 3 damsells 8 pyramid snails,6 red foot crabs, pulsing zenia , flowerpot coral , and some mushrooms , and a condi an orange gregonia , i know i needed more lighting , but with the filter in the eclipse hood how do i get it in there , water...
  10. bigjimintp

    thoughts on adding more 2 more pc to an eclipse hood

    ok i have an elcipse hood that was converted to a 65 watt pc, i have fish and live rock i have been wanting to add coral and such so ibought a used 55 x2 pc setup to add to the tank this will give me 4.6 watts per gallon , so now im looking and i dont see how im going to add them into the...
  11. bigjimintp

    need help with pulsing xenia

    thanks very much
  12. bigjimintp

    need help with pulsing xenia

    i just recieved my pulsing xenia frag but it looks like it ripped from the mounting area and it seems to be bleeding i know this sounds funny but there is a red fluid coming from the torn area , any help , and advice now do i not put it in the tank , im totally lost now help :help: :help:
  13. bigjimintp

    need help

    i know what you are saying i have bought from here before , just the shipping kills you on the small stuff, and my local fs has high price on thier stock and they never want to sell the nice stuff they say it is for a show tank for the store , im always like amazed that they just put it out to...
  14. bigjimintp

    need help

    it was local to me im not wantin to infringe on but i could pick up from these people and save shipping charges if anyone knows e mail me at
  15. bigjimintp

    need help

    i know that this is the wrong place but this is also where the most people are , i had a website bookmarked on my computer but hard drive crashed and i lost it , they were in florida had an 813 phone # and they collected the fish and coral themself , had a lot of pictures, i know it sounds crazy...
  16. bigjimintp

    ok i've been looking and need your help

    i know that this is the wrong place but this is also where the most people are , i had a website bookmarked on my computer but hard drive crashed and i lost it , they were in florida had an 813 phone # and they collected the fish and coral themself , had a lot of pictures, i know it sounds crazy...
  17. bigjimintp

    GREAT LFS in Tampa area?

    pet mart in tampa has a nice selection and they have 40% of live stock on saturdays with $50.00 purchase they are on busch and 50th street , amy has the most knowledge of salt and is very nice :cheer:
  18. bigjimintp

    1 mushroom polyp turning white ? why

    no other coral near it , just an orange gregornia but it is far away just 3 damsels , algie blenny , 2 serpant stars and a choclate chip star , 6 redlegged crabs, 8 pyramid snails 2 feather dusters
  19. bigjimintp

    1 mushroom polyp turning white ? why

    i have had them for about 3 months , i have 65 watt 10k pc , no i havent checked water yet
  20. bigjimintp

    1 mushroom polyp turning white ? why

    there is 7chocalate colored polups on this rock all others are open wide but this 1 is turning white , i dont know why