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  1. ccg24


    Mine was from Aquaripure also.... anyway.... the book says Vodka was perfered over the sugar water.... So I guess these things are really great I just didn't know too much ... it's not really a big topic with hobbyist so... I was wondering if there many more thats had quite abit of experience w/...
  2. ccg24

    Sea Clone 150 Protein Skimmer?

    Great, I noticed a difference w/ the Venturi Valve.... but there were still bubbles but I used a piece of filter pad that I cut and if I can find a rubber band I will strap it down but by me holding it there it does seem to work....
  3. ccg24

    Help Meeee Please

    Wait a week or two.... don't add anything just let it sit keep feeding the fish you have and moniter the levels everyday.... they will eventually drop to 0 Nitrate might say 5 or 10 but thats not really bad.... I think 25 is getting bad.... with that I'm not sure I would have to grab my test kit...
  4. ccg24


    Hello... I had just bought a Denitrator from Aquaripure I was wondering if anyone had any opinions about these??? anyway It just seems weird to me to put 15 ml of Vodka in this box.... but I've heard there great... but when I hear something somewhere else it seems to be frowned upon here...
  5. ccg24

    Sea Clone 150 Protein Skimmer?

    Sorry but I'm sure this question has been asked a zillion times I have spent the last two hours looking for a thread on this but... my new Protein Skimmer is putting small fine bubbles in my tank Is this normal? will it quit after it's broken in? If I turn down the bubbles inside the PS then it...
  6. ccg24

    New tank readings.

    It still might... I had a real little spike at first all the way around and then went back down to 0 and i thought it had done that fast but then it did spike really high the next day for about 3 days before it dropped back down...... so just check it you'll know when its complete
  7. ccg24

    Help Meeee Please

    Okay it just a matter of oppinion.... there isn't anything wrong with it.... I was told that I couldn't have a feather duster in it cause they wont root them selves in it..... well they do.... I was told that a Sand sifting Star wouldn't bury themselves well they will.... so I don't know what...
  8. ccg24

    Help Meeee Please

    Okay so you could of gotten some cut up squid or just feeding your tank which all you would do is put food in an empty tank like your feeding fish!
  9. ccg24

    New tank readings.

    possibly, I had cycled a 135g in a week.... just depends theres no actuall time that a tank cycles.... you can have 5 tanks side by side w/ the same amount of everthing they'll all cycle at different times.... but did you check it before and see the ammonia spike as well as the Nitrite?
  10. ccg24

    Help Meeee Please

    Oh! and you'll find out some people on here are freaks when it comes to cycling tanks w/ Damsels! lol.... there real lovers of these fish..... but really later on you'll wish to have that Domino Damsel dead..... there really mean I had one of those that I adopted from a friend and it was trying...
  11. ccg24

    Help Meeee Please

    There is a book its called Saltwater Aquariums for Dummies..... I really liked this book coming into the hobby! leave your tank as it is and get this book..... its like 15 or 20 bucks at a bookstore but I got mine for 3.50 cents on E-Bay
  12. ccg24

    Help Meeee Please

    You need to read about the cycle periods.... Damsels are ok to add to a cycling tank! not really any other fish can survive the High amounts of Ammonia the cycle period will take about 21 days to a month. what you need is a saltwater test kit to tell let you know when the cycle is complete later...
  13. ccg24

    Triggers and Lions

    Someone told me that you can't mix Lions and Triggers.... So I wasn't ever thinking about getting the two together.... but I have read a few things about compatibility and the different species of fish and they state that you can mix the two and what about adding a different kind of Lion w/ the...
  14. ccg24

    nurse shark

    Whats a good one for a 180? I may need a bigger tank! I was thinking about a 250 or 300!! lol I have always wanted one but never thought that you can find a shark for less than like 1000g.
  15. ccg24

    Cleanup crew for an aggressive

    I don't think putting a trigger and a Lion together is a good Idea the Trigger will probably kill your lion.... no matter how small the trigger and how big the lion the trigger is a killer but I am having trouble w/ the cleaning crew as well I am still looking I don't think I can have a sea hare...
  16. ccg24

    nurse shark

    Like what? I was wondering about some kinda shark for a 135g
  17. ccg24

    suggestions please!

    I have a Lg Lion a Snowflake eel and a Porcupine puffer... and several surviving Damsels in a 135 gal there really great but good luck on figuring out a clean up crew!!! I have a few snails acouple of lil baby hermits and a crab some place in there I have seen a few times.... but I can't figure...
  18. ccg24

    Protein Skimmer?

    Everytime I do a Search It comes up on ---- Listings and other Protein Skimmers, I looked on the box and there is just a address on there for returning it for manufacterer defects which I don't think there are any of those but there are engineering defects if you ask me I knew I shoulda spent a...
  19. ccg24

    Protein Skimmer?

    OH! ok see, thats something I needed to hear, what about this this air pump am I supposed to connect it to something? and there is this little [hr] in the inlet line that would be for a air hose but it doesn't say hook the pump to it and when i run it it just squirts out water so I placed...
  20. ccg24

    Protein Skimmer?

    How do these things I have not really checked these things out but i can't figure it out and it didn't come w/ instructions I bought it online its a CA Protein Skimmer 200 anyway... I have it hooked up the way I think it's supposed to be and it runs but it' doesn't foam?