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  1. ccg24

    lunar light disco?

    oh yeah I keep mine on all night,
  2. ccg24

    lunar light disco?

    I think there pretty cool, they allow you to see your what your fish do at night, thats the only time I really get to see my strawberry crab
  3. ccg24

    Cleaner shrimp and ich

    I had the same problem w/ my coral beauty! some days she showed ich some she looked fine and the behavior never changed she eventually died but I blamed my self because I freaked out because I tried a fresh water dip and that worked for a couple of days and then I put her in a QT but that just...
  4. ccg24

    What is this?

    I think thats called Coraline (sorry i didn't spell that right) or Polyps or something there good! someone else can tell you better what they are or do, but all I can say is no worries
  5. ccg24

    3 ft catshark, free to good home !

    wow! well I can't get em' but could you post a pic? I'm sure it would help your marketing as well! I would like to see him
  6. ccg24


    I couldn't say but personal oppinion and what you already have in your tank but I Like the viol. or dwarf the best...
  7. ccg24

    tank cover

    I wouldn't say you "need" a top because I know air is good for it but evaporation is the problem... and I would go w/ a some kinda cover like that if possible cause evaporation sucks you'd have to add fresh water every day! lol...
  8. ccg24

    Happy!! Happy!!

    I let mine stay on the back but I scrap the sides and front! but they grow all over I can clean em off and the next week or soo there all over again.. my choc chip star really likes em'... I don't know if thats good or not, but I don't care he don't eat em all but he keeps the down off the back...
  9. ccg24

    fish compatability? looking for critisiam I like many oppinions!!! lol

    OH! the choc chip is lazy he isn't gonna catch no body! lol... he stay at the top of the aqurium near the flow of the outlet 135g fish only look I'm broke I can't afford much so it's FO well inverts but LR is expensive and I may only have about 40 lbs but before all those fish were there it was...
  10. ccg24

    fish compatability? looking for critisiam I like many oppinions!!! lol

    sorry! I had already written a reply once already.... so because i don't want to write the whole thing again here's the jist!: she said to start w/ yer lesser aggressive and go to the more aggressive fish last but to put in a lesser aggressive fish later to add more of them and they have a more...
  11. ccg24

    fish compatability? looking for critisiam I like many oppinions!!! lol

    Ok... I know everyone has different oppinions and ideas on how your tank should be! so I was wondering if there were any body that objects to the different fish I have in my tank! i was once told that you could put "almost" anything with anything depending on the order there introduced to the...
  12. ccg24

    Cultivating Brine Shrimp

    not hard! I done it! I quit not too long ago... found that there easier bought... but it's fun to watch them grow but they just never grew as fast as I wanted em'
  13. ccg24

    hard white spots

    Those are normal! lol... there polyps or coraline (spelling maybe off) something but there not bad... whatever kinda cleaning crew you have will enjoy them!! someone might be able to tell you more about them and what they do, but I can tell you that there not bad! ok.
  14. ccg24

    Porcupine Puffer vs Perc. Clown??? compatible or no

    Ok... I am leaning towards no on my own question... but I was hoping that someone would tell me I'm wrong... and I can... lol... anyway, I would like to put a porcupine puffer in w/ my 2 clowns the tank has been set up for about 6 mos w/ 2 clowns and a choc. chip star... it's a FO tank... I...
  15. ccg24

    Scooter Blenny?

    Ok but it's 45g tank set up for 2 months and about 10 maybe lil more of LR..... buying LR slowly... it's freakin expensive plus the tank is MO..... but yeah theres all kinds of creatures pokin out of the LR all the time I've seen them come out and eat some food that was for my fish....
  16. ccg24

    ID help

    ok, hopefully someone thats better with id'ing bad algea and stuff will be able to let you know.... but I doubt it's bad because LR grows all kinda neat lil stuff... so yeah hopefully there will be a good answer later tonight.... I'll be looking for it
  17. ccg24

    ID help

    not being able to see it well... whats your thoughts about it being a mushroom, or mold.. I don't think it's bad... but It's hard to see it...
  18. ccg24

    Need Anenome Help FAST!!

    you'll know when it's dead.......It will turn to like a goo and It stinks soo bad.... it will reak like death everyone in the house will gag.... anemones are very strange and will expand and shrink up to a 10th of there size ... wait.... be patient... it will go back and forth alot.... it's normal
  19. ccg24

    Anyone In Texas Looking For....

    How much?
  20. ccg24

    White spots on glass?

    ohh cool those are what copepods are.... hey.... are they hitchhikers or how do you get em?