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  1. ccg24

    Looking for lights, have a question about length

    well for one thing to remember on that is don't buy lights that are 60 in long........ they wont fit... your tank is 72 in long...... I have a 135 that is exactly the same dimensions and I was making the same mistakes the only difference in our tanks is my glass is thicker and is 1 inch...
  2. ccg24

    ornamental shrimp

    cleaners, pepperment, coral banded.... etc but yeah like what he said
  3. ccg24

    Scooter Blenny?

    well I'm not to sure what a copepod is? I am kinda hittin myself cause I don't but I was reading the info about them on here and it said to feed them..... Live Worms, Live Brine, Microfauna. which I can do..... I am glad I can because I wasn't sure what I was going to do if I didn't have...
  4. ccg24

    clownfish very active, but not eating

    it sounds like they maybe still alittle nervous of there surroundings and it took my two clowns 2 days to start eating but they wouldn't eat anything but frozen foods they won't eat the flakes I bought them they are picky they want brine shrimp or frozen foods....
  5. ccg24

    salt oceanic vs. instant ocean

    I use IO and when I used the bigger 50g bags it stayed cloudy for awhile too and so I used Oceanic It disolved a lil quicker but I had PH probs but I bought a 10g bag of IO sat. to do a partial water change it disolved really fast and had no spikes in water levels.... It worked better than using...
  6. ccg24

    Scooter Blenny?

    I bought a scooter blenny, yesterday. I was wondering if I need to feed him something special, or is he just strictly a scavanger eating the food that had fallen down that the other fish hadn't eaten? and It's hard to find that little guy he might be right infront of you but you can't find him...
  7. ccg24

    225 gal

    well a gallon of water weighs 9lbs so times that by 225 and then lr, ls, and yeah you may need to nail another 2X10 next to the others...
  8. ccg24

    should I put my tang in my QT???

    a bk I read mentioned that you could use a clay pot for hiding... but alot out of that bk I have learned that many hobbyist don't agree with on this site..... this is the same bk that told me that it would be better to use an ugf on SW so.... I will start a thread about that tomorrow I've got to...
  9. ccg24

    should I put my tang in my QT???

    thanks I'll check into it. ..... another question really quick.... I have a clay pot in my DT for some fish to hide in, is that fine? it has not been glazed it's just a cheapie pot from Garden Ridge
  10. ccg24

    Lets hear your funniest fish story!

    That is really funny. I don't have any stories of my own but I hope to soon. My girlfriend and I really enjoyed it. Thanks and I'm sorry you are the only one with a story.
  11. ccg24

    OK all you water experts out there is this RO

    what is RO?
  12. ccg24

    should I put my tang in my QT???

    what if I move the star to the 10g QT and treat the DT? and yes I know I' need the tang in a bigger tank but I haven't made the 135g in to SW yet!!! the tang is the smallest from the LFS, how long will it be ok in the 45g with the 2 clowns and the coral beauty?
  13. ccg24

    should I put my tang in my QT???

    sometime in the begining of the wk my yellow tang and and coral beauty, had lil white specs on them they were new to the tank and I had woke up one morning and they were like that and when I came back from work with medication it was gone so I've don't nothing.... well my yellow tang still has a...
  14. ccg24

    I got one for you... yes, no, maybe?

    yeah I read some of my medications and they want you to remove stuff like carbon and other stuff from your protein skimmer so yeah maybe not .... well I know you've got your oppinions now but hey I had go back and read further
  15. ccg24

    Breeding Clowns?

    will do..... well bye I'm getting kicked off the net by my other half.....
  16. ccg24

    I got one for you... yes, no, maybe?

    well I thought I'd say bye, my gf is home and is wanting to play on the internet... so talk to ya guys later.....
  17. ccg24

    Breeding Clowns?

    I do brime shrimp..... for my fish
  18. ccg24

    I got one for you... yes, no, maybe?

    wow, I really hope you get a good answer for that... but if you got the funds why not.... huh! I don't know but couldn't you put an emperior 400 on it and thats rated 80 gal so...
  19. ccg24

    Breeding Clowns?

    I've heard that I should ask bangguy that he was very expeirenced in it and his pro. has like 20,000 posts..... but anyway he's never on when I am......
  20. ccg24

    I got one for you... yes, no, maybe?

    how big is your QT? I don't know if you should but I would think if your QT is big enough for one then why not... but wouldn't an over the back be suffecient enough I have a sponge filter power head in mine and it's a 10 gal .... I don't know if thats a bad idea or not though... but I didn't...