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  1. ccg24

    Help with Test Results

    Just Cycling....... thats what it does put some damsels in there if you want acclimate them in slow.... if thats what your going for anyway.... but they will help too
  2. ccg24

    Can an anemone hurt a hermit crab?

    I don't think it would.... don't go on my suggestion though... but I've read that there ok to put together... that the Hermit wont get too close to em.... but by expeirence, I don't know....
  3. ccg24

    Question on overflows.

    I suggest making one out of acrilic and silicone.... I did it turned out good I modeled it after my other that I bought... to cut costs
  4. ccg24

    Question on overflows.

    Yeah if your power goes out your sump will defeintly overflow depending on how deep you go down with PVC and and you would have to make sure that you had some kinda guard to keep critters from getting sucked up
  5. ccg24

    Can you touch a BTA?

    Theres a bunch of funny guys on here,
  6. ccg24

    My friend is a Ignorant? I think?

    Alright Thanks for the help, I really like this site.... I'm glad it's here .... cause I'm always filled w/ with questions I'll post something tomorrow about what happends, if not tonite I'm going to try to get a hold of him tonite.... L8R
  7. ccg24

    My friend is a Ignorant? I think?

    I thought the 30 was enough because of his size.... but I've been corrected, but it has been cycling for 2 wks and the cycle is probably done enough, I took some substrate and LR out of existing tank to cure it faster.... and my tests all show good 0 ammo, Nitrite, Nitrate........... so can I...
  8. ccg24

    My friend is a Ignorant? I think?

    So if I took 10 gal of water out of my 45g would there be better chance for him even if its for a month till he can get a bigger set up 55 or more?
  9. ccg24

    My friend is a Ignorant? I think?

    I was setting up.... a 30 gal for it.... till I heard that, that was lil too small for him but better than 10 for sure but I was going to put him in there temp... till I turned my 135 to salt..... but I haven't even started cleaning that one out....
  10. ccg24

    My friend is a Ignorant? I think?

    I doubt it too I was mad cause I had a tank cycling just for him too.... I wanted him but... anyway the reason he did it cause another guy at work told him that he could just put live sand in it and it would instantly be cycled that, the water would be like if it ran for 6 mos or so.... I never...
  11. ccg24

    My friend is a Ignorant? I think?

    how long do I have to get him? day?? 2 day's? wk?
  12. ccg24

    My friend is a Ignorant? I think?

    My friend bought the Lion I wanted.... he bought a 10 gal tank a pretty good Bio Wheel filter and put some LS in it and it ran for a day and he put this lion in it nobody's sure if its a lil vol. lion or a dawrf... most think its a darwf..... whats peoples thoughts on this is he stupid or is it...
  13. ccg24

    Need HELP Anemone got tang....

    Wow, Thats an awesome anemone!!! but I'm new at the hobby so I don't know but what that one guys sounds good from all the forums and books I've read, but... goodluck I really hope she makes it, I have faith in the anemone making it...
  14. ccg24

    Starting New Tank NONONO MONEY LIMIT!!!

    I'd go really BIG 200 plus.... I look at a 135 at home and wish it was bigger becuase out of room for any more really big aquariums....
  15. ccg24

    maybe a dumb question?

    thanks for the info about the moonlights I didn't know that... I saw at the LFS that they had some DT that had moonlights on all the time....
  16. ccg24

    maybe a dumb question?

    Is a 6500k single light, by it's self sufficient enough for a marine tank 2ft deep just for 2 clowns a tang and a coral beauty angel? If not how soon should I get the full spectrum lighting? I have moon lights too on all the time if that is in any help, but I doubt it. I just wanted to know If...
  17. ccg24


    Maybe a stupid question but can you explain hyposalinity and copper treatment? sorry I am probably to much of a Novice at this
  18. ccg24

    Live Rock Sizes

    what would you use to glue them together?
  19. ccg24


    It's a 45g, the tang 2-3 inches I bought him Saturday, because he went on sale, but my 135 isn't ready yet, and he'll be in there soon!
  20. ccg24


    Ok I woke up this morning, and my yellow tang and coral beauty angel both had white dots like it sleep on a feather pillow and had white flakes on them, so I tested the water and all the levels were perfect No ammo No Nitrate and No Nitrite. So I went to work and came home with some "Rid Ick"...