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  1. ccg24

    Breeding Clowns?

    I was wondering if anyone knew if there was anything special, to get your clowns to breed, or any tips to keep fry alive? I've heard there hard to keep fry, so I don't know, thats why I'm asking.....
  2. ccg24


    well..... cool I'll be investing in that this wkend too..... I've been converted...
  3. ccg24

    feather dusters?

    awesome!!!! I think there pretty cool I was watching them last wkend and a tang brushed it and it sucked into the tube at the speed of light there pretty cool,,,, so I'll be gettin mine sunday or monday I don't know when I am working yet though....
  4. ccg24


    yeah I just looked on this site for them.... now I know why I didn't buy a Refractometer..... there on sale for 50 bucks hahaha maybe next wk.... but I do get 20 % off at my work and I work in a TFS but they can order me anything I want for SW .... so maybe I'll try to see if they'll get me one...
  5. ccg24

    How long to cure LR

    comedian, tonight arent you!!!
  6. ccg24

    feather dusters?

    yeah i didn't know about lights, actually I heard they were more nocturnal too?
  7. ccg24

    feather dusters?

    If I wanted to buy some feather dusters, is there any requirements to raising them?.... or dislikes or likes ???? I was thinking of adding them this wkend whatcha think?
  8. ccg24

    Noobie, where to begin?

    I also would suggest deciding on fish you want and then posting it and seeing if there compatible and it will take months and months before you will be having that many fish.... oh and like that tank..... haha thats the same one I got....... cool
  9. ccg24


    yep........ haha
  10. ccg24

    Noobie, where to begin?

    sea horses do better in a smaller tank in a species only tank..... very hard too keep do lots of research on those I'm planning on it too and you don't have to have corals they just need good lights
  11. ccg24


    so far I guess I should invest in that... wow.... I would have thought that to be a stupid question I knew you could use either but didn't know that .... so ... thanx anyone else wanna bash my Hydrometer usin self... haha j/k anyway thanks again
  12. ccg24


    please gimme your oppinions, I use one and recently been corrected umm.... just wanted to hear what the people had to say........ so people what do ya got to tell me? haha
  13. ccg24

    Noobie, where to begin?

    will do
  14. ccg24

    Noobie, where to begin?

    really? didn't know that, umm I've not seen those anywhere,,,, Refractometer..... I need to try that too
  15. ccg24

    Just making something clear to myself

  16. ccg24

    Noobie, where to begin?

    second that at the LFS but not all but most....... hahaha and these msg boards are the greatest I've learned so much and only been on a wk.... yeah but what he said up there ....... ummm depending on where your at in the hobby get ya some oceanic sea salt, LR & LS, water test kit a Hydrometer, a...
  17. ccg24

    I'm confused!

    well I'm planning on gettin a light upgrade..... but I don't make much working at my LFS but I do get a discount.... 20% off but they don't have much SWF .... but they will order me what I want so.... if anyone on here living in houston I can hook em up..... haha anyway....
  18. ccg24

    I'm confused!

    also... the weird thing too my freshwater tank has reef lighting I dont know what they are or how many watts or what ever but i know there full spectrum... theres' 4 bulbs in that thing with big ballasts but neither of them would fit on my 45g and I was told I didn't need em'
  19. ccg24

    I'm confused!

    that I wouldn't really want to say because thats a possibility but that fish store told me that it didn't need strong lights for this certain ones..... umm but it's stock with a single 6500k bulb but also my tank is 2ft deep....
  20. ccg24

    I'm confused!

    could that be the reason my anemone died before? I had bought what I was told a florida condi but it turns out it may have been a Haitian.... ummm I don't know what went wrong on that I don't think i'll get another of those till I'm sure I can do it.... I was really disappointed...