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  1. ccg24

    Protein Skimmer?

    I've been running my fish only tank for about a year now and never had a Protein Skimmer well, I finally bought one I figured my tank is pretty established and probably needs some more kinds of filtration, anyway I don't know how to put this together I put it all together like it sorta says on...
  2. ccg24

    Questions ?'s ?'s!

    Okay what do you think, I am about to adopt a domino damsel and 2 damsels w/ the white strips. the reason beeing is the girl got 2 perc. clowns and the domino is picking on the clowns, I have to perc. clowns but mine are established in my tank the have been there for almost a year, what do you...
  3. ccg24

    My Sailfin Tang! lol

    I just looked over and my Sailfin Tang just was simming upside down! lol... really he's grazing on the glass going up and down and he was doing spirals it was really weird sorry I thought it was funny and shared it...
  4. ccg24

    share pics of damsels only

    I had this cichlid in my FWT and he was the only thing in it I wanted to put Discus' in it but couldn't till I got rid of him and I just couldn't get him man I hated him soo much he finally got to curious w/ the filter that I left the overflow boxes off of and he got trapped on the other side...
  5. ccg24

    2 different types of clowns

    Oh! hmm... my clowns they have this rock that they try to stay around it's not any kind of LR or BR it's just a decortive rock w/ acouple of holes and they like to stay right in there most of the time they had another spot under this little ledge but I moved it and couldn't get it right again...
  6. ccg24

    Keeping your tank clean.

    Those don't need sand? since it's sitting on CC! that thing looks a little crazy... I'm not being smart I promise I was curious I was told not to get feather dusters having cc and I got them anyway and they attached just fine! so I was guessing that it wouldn't matter but that thing looks cool...
  7. ccg24


    Yes! I wouldn't let it touch the plastic but why not! I would think it would be better in the wet dry or refuge or what ever you have but I dont' see why not if it fit but my over flow boxes aren't big enough for a heater and I have a 135 gal. tank w/ two OFB and I don't think a heater in there...
  8. ccg24

    2 different types of clowns

    I thought full spectrum was good enough for a condi anemone? there the most Hardi needs the less light like regular factory lights aren't good enough I'm sure, but I was told Condi's didn't need the big fancy MH or T5's Oh! I've seen Condi's and Bubbles survive w/ full spectrum in a display tank...
  9. ccg24

    Ok... I need some schooling! I need some pros

    I figured the I have spiralbid worms and Q-tip sponges but the last one is the one I"m still lost on
  10. ccg24

    Ok... I need some schooling! I need some pros

    Okay that was great it answered so many questions that I didn't even think to ask ever. but it still didn't help me figure out one thing I have been looking but never found a pic to ID it... I can describe it to the best of my ability but it's hard for me to get a good pic of it! anyway it's...
  11. ccg24

    Ok... I need some schooling! I need some pros

    thats what I was looking for! thanks! anyother info will still be helpfull so anyone that wants to input would be great
  12. ccg24

    Ok... I need some schooling! I need some pros

    Alright I was wondering if someone would give me some information on some of the things that grow in you tank ok... the little spiral white things that collect on the glass? the little tubes that grow and are white that have little tenticles reaching out? (don't retract) and I have these little...
  13. ccg24

    feather dusters?

    One of my Feather dusters didn't make it! He left his tube this morning and I was wondering if leaving tube in the tank was ok or not?
  14. ccg24

    30g tank help

    it's hard to overkill!!! lol... but yeah no bubbles,,, bubbles are bad! and so is a undergravel filter, and I read a book that said it's like a must in saltwater.... which I'm sure if you post a thread about it everyone will tell you to destroy it don't even leave it under there take it out
  15. ccg24

    Cleaner shrimp and ich

    I want to tell you good luck I hope she makes it! I'm gonna go, I really like the CB and I want to put one in my 135gal, but I'm stuck cause I really want a Flame Angel but you can't have two dwarf Angels in a tank so... I think I'm gonna get a Flame Angel there really pretty, anyway I'm gonna...
  16. ccg24

    Cleaner shrimp and ich

    yep mine was the same behavior was good roamed all over grazed but some days looked bad and some looked really pretty but eventually it got worse and I found her Lying on the ground sometimes and then worse totally lying on the bottom on her side looking dead but she wasnt but it wasn't that...
  17. ccg24

    Cleaner shrimp and ich

    I have been told that ich is in your tank all the time! whether a fish is volnerable to it or not depends on the health of your fish like stress which stress is caused by many reasons which imagine you get taken from one place to another to another and have to deal w/ different enviorments and...
  18. ccg24

    Cleaner shrimp and ich

    the ich shows when you first turn your lights on in the morning right? well wait till you get home or later during the day because the ich doesn't really show later in the day!
  19. ccg24

    Cleaner shrimp and ich

    I'm really not the one to critisize but I think thats too small! not really sure cause the CB Angel is a dwarf angel but... I think thats what stressed out mine at first was a 45 gal... can't really be for sure but the problem you have is the same as mine except I freaked out alittle too much...
  20. ccg24

    lunar light disco?

    but, I was told that it can stress the fish with having both lights on at the same time, but I sometimes do... and I don't see anything different w/ them well I think my star is retarded but I don't think its because of the light.....