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  1. am3gross

    DIY 150 gallon stand

    as far as your lighting goes i would add another mh if the 150 is 6 ft long as they say halides are only good for a 2 foot span. if you are getting a 150 tall i would consider switching to a dual 400 watt mh system. reason to switch to the 400 is because of the depth difference. good luck and...
  2. am3gross

    peppermint shrimp

    i think that they are good for getting rid of aiptasia. i cant get mine to live that long tho. usually the way it works is if i see an aiptasia i will go out and buy 3 peppermints and the aiptasia will be gone in a day or two, however soon after they eat the aiptasia i cant find the peppermints...
  3. am3gross

    ID needed Goniopora?

    i have done some research also on this such species and it is true that they usually last about a year to a year and a half...... now to the research.... i understand that they last longer in nutrient rich water, which is the one thing that we try so hard not to have in our home aquaria..... i...
  4. am3gross

    Refugium question?

    i disagree about the miracle mud... there have been mixed reviews on the subject. one of the things i dont like is the fact that you have to change out half the mud every 6 months and add fresh in order for it to be effective. this is just my opinion. i would put live rock rubble sand and some...
  5. am3gross

    Clean up Crew Question

    if your using tap water now that is why you have the algae problem. using ro water now will greatly reduce your algae problelm and make for better things in the future when you do go reef. keep us posted and good luck
  6. am3gross

    im bored.... heres some pics

    here are some pics. i got bored. tell me what you think.
  7. am3gross

    What is this on my LR

    dead coraline is what i thought also...... pic is kinda blurry tho.
  8. am3gross

    does this setup look ok to you all?

    looks good!!!!!! i concur with the other two. the crushed coral is just going to become a nitrate factory. what are you planning on putting in your chunk of the ocean?
  9. am3gross

    Biowheel/bioballs in sump

    i know somebody who uses bio balls in his system and he flushes out half his balls every week. thats a little to much work for me... i would just take out the bio balls and replace with some live rock rubble. jmo.... goodluck
  10. am3gross

    help me make some decisions

    skimmers i would go with the coralife 220... best skimmer for the buck imo...... as far as pumps i would go with the magdrives.... very dependable..... again imo...
  11. am3gross

    Hair Alagea

    yes once you find the cause of the hair algae problem i would recommend getting a sea hare to go in and eat all the algea.... once the algae is gone you will have to take the hare out because this is what they mainly eat and they will starve and die.... i to had the algae problem and found out...
  12. am3gross

    Caught him RED HANDED!!

    i had an emerald eat pieces ou t of my frogspawn..... crab is now gone....... i dont know what happened to him!!!!
  13. am3gross

    high nitrates

    yeah i would say that if you only have fish in there i would do a 50% water change. that should bring your trates down to about 10. then maybe in a week do another 50%water change. just remember not to feed the fish to much or your trates will go back up. i would also do a fuge if you are...
  14. am3gross

    125 reef lighting

    if he is going to go with halide i would go for the 250 watt setup.... there not that much more and you would be able to keep the more light dependant corals..... jmo...good luck!
  15. am3gross

    what is this?

    anybody know what this is? it is super orange in color with little polyps on it. some type of acro i think
  16. am3gross

    new additions

    what does everybody think?
  17. am3gross

    210 setup

    can you post some pics of the wet dry and tell me some more about how you got it plumbed. i to will be upgrading in a month or 2 and i am starting to get all the things i need like the return pumps heaters and skimmers and such. i need to know what pump you run for the return. this info will be...
  18. am3gross

    what is this black stuff

    any ideas?
  19. am3gross

    css problem...... maybe!

    i have a 75 gallon display and a 29 gallon fuge. my skimmer is not pulling out alot of skimmate i have yet to fill the cup in the 3 months that i have had it. my question is that since i do 50 gallons total a month waater change( 10 gallons every week and 20 gallons on the 1st sunday of every...
  20. am3gross

    pond liners

    i was thinking of making my sump out of a pond liner. 280 gallons to be exact. my display is going to be a 210. do you have any suggestions on what to watch out for? my plans were to make a box out of plywood and put 2x6s for the supports all the way around the sump. then i was going to put the...