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  1. am3gross

    who has a mangrove in fuge?

    i have 3 in my overflow box........ so they get some light with the 2 250 watt halides thta i have over the tank..... i have to spray the leaves down with ro water every other day or so....... and not to go against bang guy but i thought they were a good way to get nitrates lower...
  2. am3gross

    Can a prepared water change go bad?

    i dont know about now however in the future i would put a power head in there to keep the water circulating better then the bubble strip. i would probably test that water for everything before you actually put it in your tank.
  3. am3gross

    Air Bubbles

    kinda..not really cool to look at. i would get an emerald crab to eat it up for you.
  4. am3gross

    cheap base rock

    you can send some my way if you want! i can always use the extra!goo score on the rock tho!
  5. am3gross

    Are You Feeding DT'S Phytoplankton?

    i dont like mayo!
  6. am3gross

    Did I get a deal?

    it might not be a good deal once you fill it up with water! but i hope nothing like that happens........ good deal!
  7. am3gross

    HELP! Any Ideas?

    1st thing i would do is to check my test results with somebody elses or maybe even buy another test kit. i seen alot of times that the test kits are wrong because they are either the cheap ones or they have been on the shelf to long. if your tests are accurate i think that step to should be...
  8. am3gross

    I caught the bastard!

    good job!
  9. am3gross

    This is interesting

  10. am3gross

    why cant i keep macro algae alive?

    no i never tried to harvest..... the lighting is a 10 k probably a 18 watt maybe sump light and a 55 watt 50/50 bulb. lighting should be good...... i think anyway.... i also have 3 mangroves.... is it true that they might be fighting for nutrients and the mangroves are winning?i also have about...
  11. am3gross

    why cant i keep macro algae alive?

    why does my macro algae die? i cant seem to keep this stuff alive. i have a 75 gallon display and a 29 gallonish fuge. i have tried the calurpa and the cheato and neither are doing well at all. at first when i added the calurps it survived for about 6 months. then ai added the cheato and the...
  12. am3gross

    ADVICE PLEASE.. heater, chiller, temperature levels

    here is bump for ya!
  13. am3gross

    Lets see some of your favorite coral

    here are some more of mine. frogspawn and a couple devils hands
  14. am3gross

    kenya trees

    you have mail!
  15. am3gross

    kenya trees

    still have some trees left if anybody is interested!
  16. am3gross

    torch coral

    well im sure it is pretty stressed out right now. is there any damage to the top of the torch? it will probably take it a while before it will open up if it does. i had a power head fall on mine and it sucked up some of the tenticles in to it. now about 2 months later it still hasnt opened up...
  17. am3gross


    great! thanks for all the replys! will get some peppermint shrimp! was hoping the the good water quality that i have they would not be able to survive. thanks for the replies am3gross
  18. am3gross

    Lets see some of your favorite coral

    here is mine! a green acro. and also a blastomomusa welsi!
  19. am3gross

    kenya trees

    you got mail again!
  20. am3gross

    kenya trees

    you got mail!