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  1. am3gross

    Nitrates too high?

    it might be that your test kit is bad.what kind are you using? maybe you could take a sample to your lfs and compare it to yours. 15 isnt a bad number of course 0 is always better! salifert is one of the better test kits that are made. am3gross
  2. am3gross

    shrooms 101

    yeah shrooms are a pretty easy coral to keep. i dont think i have ever killed any of mine. when i first started out i was using pc lighting. now i have dual 250 and pcs and i cant get rid of them! there every where! am3gross
  3. am3gross

    Cleaner crew??

    i dont know if i would go with a large clean up crew just yet. how ever i would put a small clean up crew in after the cycle is complete. maybe half dozen crabs and same with the snails. i once put like 5 dozen crabs and 3 doz. snails and my nitrates went thru the roof! am3gross
  4. am3gross

    Water Temperature Fluctuation

    is it at night time when the tempature drops. if so you could put a heater on a timer to come on after your lights go off to keep the temp at the 80 degree mark. am3gross
  5. am3gross

    Question about ilve rock???

    also at night time if you have a red light then you may be able to see some critters running all over the rock! its pretty cool. am3gross
  6. am3gross

    new marbled sea star

    i wish him luck also. it is a beautiful starfish. keep us updated on how he does. am3gross
  7. am3gross

    could i have?

    2 mandarine gobys in a 75 gallon fish tank. i have 140 pounds of live rock and the tank has been set up and runnig for 2+ years.i have one now and he has been in there for about a year now. i think my tank should be loaded with stuff for them to eat. what do all of you think? oh yeah by the way...
  8. am3gross

    75 gal left side

    lets try this... left side 1st right side 2nd and center is the 3rd
  9. am3gross

    new additions

    here are my new additions. 1st is a devils hand not opened up yet 2nd is a green acropora and 3rd is a brown frogspawn. am3gross
  10. am3gross

    75 gal left side

    i havent figured out how to enlarge it yet. heck i just figured out how to post pics!!
  11. am3gross

    75 gal left side

    here is a pic of my 75gal left side.
  12. am3gross

    is this a good deal?

    on a 90 gallon tank i would go higher then 150 watt mh. i would go for at least 250 watts. 90 gallons are high and the 250 will penitrate the water more. i think that in the long run you would be better off with the 250 because if your like me you will want the higher light coral or you will...
  13. am3gross

    is this a good deal?

    well i think if you look around you might be able to find a dual 250 mh retro for about the same price. i guess it would also depend on the brand that you are looking at. am3gross
  14. am3gross

    Another lighting question

    i agree with birdy. mh is the way to go.... then you can keep alot more types of coral. i to tried the pc thing and everytime i went to the pet store i seen a cool looking coral but needed mh i have a dual250 mh set up with 110 watts actinic and now i can have almost anything i see...
  15. am3gross

    Flat Worm Removal

    a 6line should be fine in a 30. am3gross
  16. am3gross

    Is a 20% water change ok?

    do you use a refractometer to check for salinity? from what i understand to treate ick with hyposalinity you will need one. me personally i will treate the 10 gallon with copper. the sooner you get the fish healty the more time they will have tdo get there immune system back in check before they...
  17. am3gross

    Just Moved Tank

    the folks from indiana.... do you ever go to premium aquatics? what do you think about them?
  18. am3gross

    Heat PROBLEM

    you can also put some fans blowing over the surface of the water. that will get you 3-4 degrees also. am3gross
  19. am3gross

    cleaning an empty tank

    i will 2nd the vinegar and razor blade idea. just be careful not to scratch up the tank with the blade. if the blade gets a knick on it it will scratch it all up. just go slow and change out the blades often and you should be fine.... best of luck! am3gross
  20. am3gross

    Power Head Recommendation

    im not to sure never used the maxi jets. the seios are prettty quiet. everyonce in a while i will hear the impeller spin for a second but that is it. again i have never used the maxijet im sure they are a good pump as well. am3gross