Search results

  1. gexkko

    bubble coral, on the sb or the lr?

    Where is the best place to put these guys? I've had mine for about a month, and he was originally on the rocks because I thought it looked better. Then I started seeing pictures of them on the sb, and it got me thinking. I ended up moving him because he kept falling off the rock he was on, so...
  2. gexkko

    "quick" rant, sorry, I have to vent

    Thanks for the advice. I'm going to get a alk supplement to try to bring it up. I'm going to continue to remove the cyano manually for the next few days before I move the tank. If after the move the problem still persists, I'll purchase some of the antibiotic and give it a shot. I wasn't aware...
  3. gexkko

    "quick" rant, sorry, I have to vent

    So I've been having a diatom/bubble algea problem as of late in my 29g(as many people do). I had the problem beat, then I added an Odysea 250w halide hood with 2x65w actincs. The addition of the halide lighting pretty much set forth a bloom, which I expected. I have a nitrate problem (I can't...
  4. gexkko

    Do zoos and shrooms "get along?"

    Originally Posted by mrdc My problem is not they will sting one another but the shrooms seem to win in covering the zoos up and sucking out the light. My shrooms are finally becoming a problem and I have been yanking out the problem ones. I can't wait till I have your kinds of problems
  5. gexkko

    Do zoos and shrooms "get along?"

    Awesome. I actually had to move the rock though, because my kenya tree seemed to be expanding towards the shroom....
  6. gexkko

    250w HQI on 20 gallon tank too much?

    I asked about differences in kelvin the other day and apparently 10-14k provides the best growth. I have a 20k on mine (as well as antics). I plan on replacing it with a 14k after its used up. Mines about 7 inches above the water surface right now, and I have no heat issues. My tank runs...
  7. gexkko

    Do zoos and shrooms "get along?"

    One piece of LR i got when I set up my tank had a very very tiny shroom on it. About 3 weeks ago I noticed a very very tiny zoo polyp on the other side of the same rock. There is no imediate peril obviously, as they are a good 5 inches away from each other. The mushroom is about 1in across and...
  8. gexkko

    250w HQI on 20 gallon tank too much?

    I've got a 250 on my 29 and all my corals love it. Granted, the 20L is a bit shallower than my 29, but as long as you place it at a reasonable distance I would assume the corals would be fine. Besides, the sps like light :-P Just acclimate them to it slowly over a week or so if they are coming...
  9. gexkko

    Zoa and Paly fragging project!!!!!

    Those are some absolutely amazing looking zoos. I hope the one tiny little polyp I found starts splitting to form some colonies (although they won't look like that, those are amazing colors). The info is appreciated for the future if I ever decide to frag.
  10. gexkko

    Substitutes for kalk powder in a kalk drip?

    Awesome. Once I've used up my kalk, I'll pick some of that up.
  11. gexkko

    Quick (probably dumb) question about ordering LR

    I've been having some small ammonia problems lately (.25 or less) and I haven't found the source. I'm assuming it was a damsel that went missing. I was unable to find a body, so I figured the cleaners got to it first. However, I have been unable to get the ammonia down to 0 since, and its...
  12. gexkko

    Substitutes for kalk powder in a kalk drip?

    The search was what made me aware that there were alternatives in the first place. Unfortunately, no one gave any sort of specifics on what type/brand, how much, how to mix it, etc. Any help in that direction would be appreciated.
  13. gexkko

    Substitutes for kalk powder in a kalk drip?

    I know there are cheaper alternatives to buying the expensive kalk powder. I currently have a bottle, and the daily drip certainly makes my inhabitants happier. However, I would like to know a less expensive alternative to the kalk powder to use in a drip. Does anyone know or have any suggestions?
  14. gexkko

    cant get my cal up

    Have you tried doing a kalk drip instead of dosing directly to the tank? Are you dosing in a high-flow area? And again, what are your other levels?
  15. gexkko

    10k/20k higher Kelvin better?

    Yeah, but I got the hood for a steal, so I'm not complaining. I'll just pick up a new bulb in about 5 months :-) Its kind of funny that all the lights in my appartment are energy saver lights. I do everything I can to conserve power and do my part and all that jazz, yet when it comes to my tank...
  16. gexkko


    Since no one has really directly answered your question, I will. Yes, cigarette smoke can raise the phosphate levels in the tank INDIRECTLY. The smoke itself contains more than CO2. If it were only CO2, we would not be able to see the smoke. It contains all the nasty chemicals, both organic and...
  17. gexkko

    10k/20k higher Kelvin better?

    well, i have a small tank, so slower growth is actually better for me. I guess i'll stick with the 20k until its lifespan runs out.
  18. gexkko

    10k/20k higher Kelvin better?

    Ok, that helps. I'll just continue to use the 20k bulb that came with the hood since I already have it. The hood also has 2x65w actincs, so the aquarium has a lot of blue color in it. It makes my green bubble really glow really nicely :-)
  19. gexkko

    Will a fuge really help

    Fuges help, a lot. On a 20g, you don't need a large one, although the larger you can go the more growth you can have. I actually just upgrade the fuge for my 29g to a 20g long, Don't expect overnight results obviously, especially if you choose certain types of macroalgea. I originally had...
  20. gexkko

    10k/20k higher Kelvin better?

    I currently have an odyssea 250 MH hood on my 29. the HQI bulb it has is from oddysea and is rated at 20k. I'm fairly sure that 20k means it outputs at a wavelength more able to penetrate water depth than 10k. However, does it have any real benefit or detriment to corals at shallower depths? I...