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  1. ghostiroc

    blue spotted watchman goby

  2. ghostiroc

    What's a good diet

    are you feeding this every day? sounds like overfeeding to me...
  3. ghostiroc

    blue spotted watchman goby

    Anyone know anything about it? What do they eat? how are they temperment wise? Size tank suggestions? How big do they get? Theres one at the LFS and I liked him. Hes a bit drab in color but hes got so much personality.... thanks in advance.
  4. ghostiroc

    Protein Skimmer took a crap

    i ended up getting the coralife... the thing is huge... its pulling out tons of junk though, i bought it at the lfs, i got a free bag of dogfood it it breaks ever its getting replaced free and i got some frozen brine. Of course i had to buy the skimmer. He even offered to fix the old skimmer so...
  5. ghostiroc

    Protein Skimmer took a crap

    i havent ordered anything yet, so if anyone else wants to recommend then i will probably do it tonight
  6. ghostiroc

    Protein Skimmer took a crap

    whats ASM? Keep in mind that i need a hang on skimmer, i dont have a sump. I saw someone who recommended the coralife, but it sorta looks like the same design as a seaclone, which i have now, and have had nothing but problems with. The tube gets salt creep in it and clogs up has to be taken...
  7. ghostiroc

    Protein Skimmer took a crap

  8. ghostiroc

    Protein Skimmer took a crap

    it seems like, by looking at the picture that the same thing that happened to my seaclone could happen to this one, with the salt creep getting into the line. What does everyone think of the aqua c remora. I know its a lot of money but if i would have spent this money originally.... i dont mind...
  9. ghostiroc

    Protein Skimmer took a crap

    I wanted to get the red sea prizm protein skimmer it skims 300 gph and i have a 125 and was wondering if it was a good brand or is there another brand in that would be better to go with??? Need to order tonight so....
  10. ghostiroc

    Blackcap basslet acting very strange when goby cleans him

    maybe it just tickles, LOL :happyfish
  11. ghostiroc

    Wrasse Choice?

    Originally Posted by PonieGirl So, you don't suggest a lunare? I've heard them called lunaretics. Perfectly named IMO
  12. ghostiroc

    Video !!!

    I think it looks gorgeous. Very colorful. A little crowded maybe but very pretty otherwise
  13. ghostiroc

    What's on my Scarlett???

    not sure what it is but ill give ya a bump to hopefully get you some answers
  14. ghostiroc

    New Tank, One new fish not eating

    Originally Posted by mandarin w Congrats on the new tank. I am very glad to see you waited to add your fish until the cycle has finished. But..... First of all you added too many fish at one time to this new system. You should have only added a couple at a time. Your tank may have finished...
  15. ghostiroc

    Wrasse Choice?

    i have a lunare, boy he is a jerk! he pushes everyone around and slammed my clown fish into my urchin and now the clownfish had these 2 little puncture marks on him. So i decided to take him out of the 125 and put him in the qt tank downstairs, its a 30 gallon. That jerk made me take every...
  16. ghostiroc

    base rock question

    email me if you want to know who not to go
  17. ghostiroc

    getting liverock ?'s

    well i will keep them in mind for the next bucket, but until then what do I do? Use an additive? I just opened this bucket and started using it. So until the next bucket, waste not want not I am stuck with it.
  18. ghostiroc

    getting liverock ?'s

    We use instant Ocean... is that good quality. I hope so cause it sure costs a bunch if its CRAP
  19. ghostiroc

    getting liverock ?'s

    is there a test kit that tests for calcium? Cause it isnt in the one I have. How does the calcium in the tank get in there? I know these probly seem like stupid questions....
  20. ghostiroc

    getting liverock ?'s

    6.99 per pound and if you get 10 pounds or more then its 5.99 pound. I have eclipse natural daylight bulbs on my tank its a 125 and moonlight bulbs for at night. Is this good enough. I know i am basically asking the same question but I just want to be sure. So you all are saying no special...