Video !!!


Active Member
You have a 125 Gallon tank? how many fish do you have in there? Just curious :notsure: It just seems like alot to me maybe i'm just tired


Hey is it going man!!
well to tell you truth yes they are a lot of fishes in my tank and my first post under the name PICTURES ( about 6 months ago )had to many judjamental people saying that my fishes would never survided ......and here i am still standing with my tank been a year now and i am proud of showing my tank...( by the way the system is 2 years old)
but Dont get me wrong....I dont recomend this by any means to just that I wanted to take the chance and I have a really good protein skimmer and a good refiugium + i never overfeed my fishes..i think that is the key why the look so good and why the have been toghether for about a year with no problems....
I even use to have a zebra EEl in there but i sold it to a friend because she was eating to much !!

Dont ask about my trigger being in my reef i bought hime very small and again he has learned no to eat his fellow friends......i just took the risk 4 months ago.
anyways...they all been there for about a year!!!
just wanted to answer you that!!


Active Member
He Said 150g towards the end,, it does look very cramped,, but very nice as well, i know hes gonna get flamed though, by the FISH NAZIS, "Oh the emperor angel needs a 500g tank, Oh only one yellow tang per 100g, Purple tang needs at least a 150g" and so on! One thing though i wonder how he keeps one of THEE MOST agressive triggers in a reef tank? Good Luck anyway!


Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
He Said 150g towards the end,, it does look very cramped,, but very nice as well, i know hes gonna get flamed though, by the FISH NAZIS, "Oh the emperor angel needs a 500g tank, Oh only one yellow tang per 100g, Purple tang needs at least a 150g" and so on! One thing though i wonder how he keeps one of THEE MOST agressive triggers in a reef tank? Good Luck anyway!
Hey MiaHeatL hahaha i totally agree with you because i have pass trough the FISH NAZIS on my last thread , Trust me on this one!!!
they are to judgamental ....they will say exacly what you say up there about angels and tangs.. !!
i took a shoot to the middle of the tank but is much muchbigger than in seems!!
Again......been there for a year and I AM HAPPY !!!


very good lookin' tank. you will, however need to remove the clown trigger. it is young now, so it causes no harm. it will turn aggressive as it reaches the 4-5 inches mark.


Who cares what those people think?! You paid for the fish, and will pay for the mistakes, if you are happy, then NVM what they say. :cheer: and may they
The tank is beautiful.


Originally Posted by saltfreak4
Who cares what those people think?! You paid for the fish, and will pay for the mistakes, if you are happy, then NVM what they say. :cheer: and may they
The tank is beautiful.
Thanks so much Saltfreak4 i truly apreciate what u say !!


I hope those random videos on the link to your tank videos arent yours they are very discusting sexually graphic, nice tank though


Originally Posted by summerdaze
I hope those random videos on the link to your tank videos arent yours they are very discusting sexually graphic, nice tank though
that is a place where you can upload your video...period
sexually things are not allowed there nor here...those videos are funny videos that people upload there thats it!!
what makes you thing that stuff is mine anyways...........
you are making serius assumptions ...
careful my friend , careful!!!



Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
One thing though i wonder how he keeps one of THEE MOST agressive triggers in a reef tank?
maybe hes a magician
. do you think not overfeeding, having a good skimmer, and a refugium are what is keeping his trigger tame? wait till that trigger gets a little bit bigger. its gunna feel cramped and take on some of the other fish and win the battle.


Originally Posted by teen
maybe hes a magician
. do you think not overfeeding, having a good skimmer, and a refugium are what is keeping his trigger tame? wait till that trigger gets a little bit bigger. its gunna feel cramped and take on some of the other fish and win the battle.

hahaha you got a point !!!
i can put 5 tangs without fighting adult angel withouth touching my corals.......but with the trigger story you are totally right i can not do anything when he gets bigger......that is why i am upgrading on march of next year to a 500 Gallon Tank !!

thanks for the comment anyway!!!


sweet looking,
I myself do not have the nerve to attempt a sizeable stocking such as yours.
obviously.... it is working for you!