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  1. damselz

    Vacation Worries

    Hi All, Not sure if this is the right place in the forum to ask but I am going away for about 10 days and want to make sure my tank is okay while I am away. I have no one to take care of it while I am gone and I am wondering if there is some sort of feeding thing to take care of them while I am...
  2. damselz

    Goby/Firefish Question

    Originally Posted by sepulatian I doubt that the firefish is bringing him food, but who knows? Are you sure that the firefish is not just going into the opening of one of the gobies burrows? The burrows often have an opening at the other end as well. Have you seen them sitting side by side...
  3. damselz

    Goby/Firefish Question

    I know they are not the same type of fish, they are just both in the goby family from what I have read on here. The only one that comes out is the firefish, the goby rarely makes an appearance. I worry that he may not be eating, the firefish wouldn't bring him food would it? He used to be the...
  4. damselz

    Cleaner Shrimp question

    OH and correct me if I'm wrong but aren't shrimp on the menu for puffers? I'd be careful.
  5. damselz

    Cleaner Shrimp question

    My cleaner has certain fish that he prefers to clean, most of the time he hangs out with my velvet damsel. Occasionally he'll grab hold of my smaller clown. He also loves to clean my hand when I put it in the tank to fix something my urchin knocked over. Wait til it starts having eggs every...
  6. damselz

    Goby/Firefish Question

    Hi guys, I have a firefish and a diamond spotted goby in my tank with some other fish. I noticed lately that these two will disappear for a few days and I usually find them together under a rock sharing one of the goby's burrows. My question is is this normal for them. They never paid each other...
  7. damselz

    Strange grass-like stuff growing in tank

    Originally Posted by gypsana Well at least we know we do not have an alien life form in our tanks! I am going to leave mine there to see how it looks when it gets bigger. Anyhow my anenome likes to wrap it's tentacles around it. Maybe someone will actually have a name for it, but at this...
  8. damselz

    Strange grass-like stuff growing in tank

    that's it exactly, it was growing all over my LR and started growing on my powerhead. I got a purple sea urchin and that guy is tearing it up. It has eaten amount of the grassy stuff and it appears to be shaving my LR. Surprisingly he hasn't eaten the coraline algae yet. I hear they can cause it...
  9. damselz

    Ever have this feeling about a fish???

    i have one of these, he is a cool fish but does tend to rearrange the tank. I have lost some snails because of him, lost meaning he buried them and I can't find them so I guess they are dead. He also picks up hermits and shoots them across the tank when they go near his hole under my LR. I had...
  10. damselz

    Strange grass-like stuff growing in tank

    Originally Posted by petjunkie Can you rip it out? I have some random slowgrowing algea that is in a few places and I usually let it grow for a while and then tear it out. Mine's dark green, close together and stiff. I can't keep any other algea alive but this one and it only grows under good...
  11. damselz

    Strange grass-like stuff growing in tank

    Originally Posted by gypsana If is very stiff and kind of looks like grass growing on a rock I might have that also. I do have a few corals in my tank. I even posted a pretty bad pic of it in an earlier post. If you are interest I can take another one to see if they are the same. I never got a...
  12. damselz

    Strange grass-like stuff growing in tank

    anyone have any ideas about this?
  13. damselz

    Strange grass-like stuff growing in tank

    I was not sure if this is the right place to post this but I have a 33 gallon long tank that is Fish only with live rock. My tank is just about 2 years old and I noticed that I have some Green sticks and grassy looking algae growing on my live rock and now on my dead barnacle shell. It feels...
  14. damselz

    Wierd stuff in tank

    I was not sure if this is the right place to post this but I have a 33 gallon long tank that is Fish only with live rock. My tank is just about 2 years old and I noticed that I have some Green sticks and grassy looking algae growing on my live rock and now on my dead barnacle shell. It feels...
  15. damselz

    help my hippo tang has popeye

    I lost my hippo to this, I believe the best way is hyposalinity. That's what was recommended to me but I didn't have a hospital tank at the time and I had inverts in my display tank. Others can explain better but if you do a search for hypo, you should get most of your questions answered. Good...
  16. damselz

    damsel and tomato

    how did you make out with the damsel
  17. damselz

    damsel and tomato

    if you have rocks, try rearranging the rocks in your tank. that should break up any territory claims the damsel may have. also keep in mind, most damsels are aggressive in nature so this might keep happening
  18. damselz

    Cleaner shrimp had babies

    fed them cyclopeze and they seemed to go for it. they dont swim around much though, they seem to lay on the bottom or hide between the frame and net of the breeding net they are in. I put a small piece of LR in there thinking that they may cling to it for protection. If anyone has any other tips...
  19. damselz

    Cleaner shrimp had babies

    Funny thing is I have a skunk cleaner and a red or blood shrimp. My tank is a 33 gallon long. I have about 50 lbs of live rock and 25 pounds of live sand. The cleaner has had eggs several times but I never found babies until now. they are so small that they about the size of brine shrimp...
  20. damselz

    Cleaner shrimp had babies

    Hey guys, My cleaner shrimp has been laying eggs for a while now but they always get eaten by my fish (I think). However last night I found about 12 baby shrimp alive in my filter. They are separated from the rest of my fish. What do I feed them and do you guys have any tips on raising them?