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  1. damselz

    Sebae anemone problem

    I've had my sebae for about a year now and it shrinks every night and inflates in the morning. It is getting more aggressive now, every time a fish swims past it it closes really quickly. From what I've heards not many percs will host this anemone. They prefer LTA's. Mine don't go any where...
  2. damselz

    Percula vs. Ocellaris

    I have 2 Oci's and they are great. They tend to be cheaper and seem to be more hardy than the Perc's. From what I've read the differences are in the stripes and the eyes. Also most places sell tank raised Oci's so they adapt better than Perc's in a new tank. I don't see any reason to wait...
  3. damselz

    Burrowing Fish?

    Diamond sleeper goby, little guy never stops digging and does sleep on wholes that he digs under rocks. He also has a habit of burying some of my live rock but my sand bed looks amazing, no more algae or dark spots.
  4. damselz

    NEW dwarf seahorses!!

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ I wish they would start a seahorse forum. I asked several months ago, but they said no. It would be much easier to keep track of who has them and whats going on with them. Start your own website about seahorses, I can help, I am a web designer and I have the forum...
  5. damselz

    Question about my serpent star

    haven't checked in a while, anyone have any ideas.
  6. damselz

    Opinions needed

    Yeah, I agree it would take some time to establish but as an extra income source I think it might just work.
  7. damselz

    Opinions needed

    Yeah, I was definitely going to include boats motorcycles RV's and that type of stuff.
  8. damselz

    Opinions needed

    Hey guys Happy New Year, I am a web designer and thought of an idea to start a new business. I researched it first and found that there are very few companies that do this. You know those "we sell your stuff on ----" stores, I was thinking of offering a sell your car on ---- service. I've sold...
  9. damselz


    I hope all works out for you and everyone else in similar situations. I am also a divorced father and I came across this post after searching for FATHER'S RIGHTS info on the web. I just gave up and decided to see what was going on since I can't sleep. My ex has custody and I have visitation...
  10. damselz

    Question about my serpent star

    Hi guys and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanaka, Happy Kwanzaa, etc. I have a serpent star that has done very well since I got him, about 6 months ago. Recently I gt a diamond sleeper goby who has been rearranging the tank. Now my serpent star has been hanging out in front of the tank and...
  11. damselz

    ID This Hitchhiker Please

    Just look at photos of scale worms and that is exactly what it is but nothing says if it is bad or good. I'm assuming it is bad.
  12. damselz

    ID This Hitchhiker Please

    actually it does have scales down its back with a circle on each scale.
  13. damselz

    ID This Hitchhiker Please

    about 2 inches and like half an inch thick. he responds to light. like he stays still until a light is shined on him. he moves like away from it
  14. damselz

    ID This Hitchhiker Please

  15. damselz

    ID This Hitchhiker Please

    noticed this thing crawling around in one of my live rocks. we tried to tempt it out with krill and it would come out a little and something that looked like its tongue would snap out at the krill like it was attacking or something. we thought it was a mantis shrimp. so we cracked open the rock...
  16. damselz

    clown goby not eating

    bump, help
  17. damselz

    clown goby not eating

    I'm not necessarily a newbie but then again I am no pro at this but I wasn't sure where to post it. I bought a yellow clown goby and have had him for a bout two and a half weeks. He eats very little if any and he is now losing a lot of weight. He hangs out on what's left of my clove coral and...
  18. damselz

    Can someone help with photo shop?

    Is this okay, did it pretty quick.
  19. damselz

    whats the best clown fish?

    Ocellarus clowns are good and seem to be least aggressive. They are also called false perculas. True percs are good too but more expensive.
  20. damselz

    dying clowns

    With inverts the only safe treatment in a bottle is KIK ICK. Research the disease forum, Beth has pics and write ups on diseases we sometimes run into. After the first two clowns were sick did you do any water changes because if it was ick it stays in the water and from what people say the...