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  1. damselz

    Hippo blind, what happened???

    Okay, my hippo tang that had ich seemed lik she was doing so well, the ich was gone and color and appetite returned. I think she had popeye, I noticed last night and planned on trying the treatments on the website today but I was too late. OVERNIGHT her color is very pale and her eyes are no...
  2. damselz

    One of my false percs died for no reason!

    I had two false percs (ocellarus clowns) for about a month now and from the beginning they were inseperable. They slept together, swam together and explored new rocks or coral together. They never fought and got along great with the other fish in the tank. One was even starting to outgrow the...
  3. damselz

    Hippo Tang possibly with Ich

    Thanks for the unput, she is doing much better, appetite isback and color is improving. Ich seem to be gone but she now has bumps on her side. Other than that she is itching a lot less and becoming her old self again. MAN had her appetite increased. Mysis, emerald entree and purple seaweed...
  4. damselz

    Injured Damsel Question

    Here's a couple of pics of the injured damsel
  5. damselz

    Hippo Tang possibly with Ich

    Unfortunately, I do not have a QT. Any other things i can do, it seems like the ich is getting worse by the hour, I don't wanna lose this fish. I did a garlic soak with some Mysis and fed but she did not eat. I don't want to lose my whole tank. Thanks for the Hypo suggestion but I need an...
  6. damselz

    Hippo Tang possibly with Ich

    Bump.......please help
  7. damselz

    Injured Damsel Question

    Okay, aside from my Hippo Tang having ich, I noticed that my yellowtail damsel, who was previously beaten almost to death by another aggressive damsel (removed) has what looks like a hole in his side, he was all bitten up and it looked like a scab had formed but now he looks like he has a hole...
  8. damselz

    Hippo Tang possibly with Ich

    well if there are no reliable bottled medications, what else can i do?
  9. damselz

    Hippo Tang possibly with Ich

    Yestrerday I had a power outage for about 30 minutes. Today I noticed my Hippo Tang scrathing against rocks and hanging around my blood shrimp who is cleaning her like crazy. Upon further investigation I noticed that she has some faint spots on her sides that are white but not like usual color...
  10. damselz

    Recommended ph for 33 gallon tank

    Salinity has since been raised to 1.021 since first post. Snails are definitley more mobile than before and feather dusters in LR are coming out everywhere. only one snail died but I did see hermits on him in my tank so there goes that mystery. I didn't make any changes to the tank, I just...
  11. damselz

    Powerhead question

    I now have the powerhead installed but it makes so many bubbles. does it have to run constantly or should it be run for a certain amount of time?
  12. damselz

    Recommended ph for 33 gallon tank

    Nitrates were at zero, no signs of ammonia, now ph seems to be at 8.4, think I need a better tester than the little stick thing.
  13. damselz

    live rock question

    what happens when live rock is put upside down? like the dark part where the stuff grows is on the sand will stuff grow on the other side?
  14. damselz

    Recommended ph for 33 gallon tank

    My salinity is at 1.019-1.020. My tank is 4 feet long, my LFS has a disply tank with a Tang in it and it is a 33 long. He said it's been very happy in there. Mine seems happy too except for her being shy and hiding when the tank is approached. I will test for nitrates and ammonia tomorow...
  15. damselz

    Recommended ph for 33 gallon tank

    Yeah it is tap water, tank is a little over a month old. Why would the Tang not last long, I've seen them in tanks that were the same size as mine.
  16. damselz

    Recommended ph for 33 gallon tank

    What is the recommended ph for a 33 gallon tank. I have the following: 20 lbs live rock 40 lbs live sand aquaclear 110 hang on filter 2 ocellaris clowns 1 blue damsel 1 blue yellow tailed damsel 1 small hippo tang 1 velvet damsel 1 blood shrimp 5 snails started with 7 hermits, they keep dying...
  17. damselz

    Stuff growing on my sand, any ideas?

    Originally Posted by bigarn Sounds like diatoms which is normal for a young tank. It should pass with time, but be aware it could get worse before it gets better. are they harmful??
  18. damselz

    Stuff growing on my sand, any ideas?

    My tank is about a month old and I noticed that there is something growing on my sand, I have live rock (20 lbs) and 40 lbs live sand. It is also a 33 long tank. I run my lights around 10 - 12 hours a day. My cleaning crew is usually asleep, they don't do much (6 hermits, 5 snails). I will...
  19. damselz

    Powerhead question

    What size powerhead is recommended for a 33 gallon tank?
  20. damselz

    Need a clean up crew for 33 gallon long tank

    Thanks guys, my Tang is only about 1.5 inches and I plan on upgrading to a larger tank eventually, al of my fish are less than 2 inches so from what the owner of the store I go to says they should be okay.